Utah @  Oklahoma State

You know, sometimes I really, really hate some Utah fans

Welcome Cowboy Fans Forums Utah Utes Sports Football You know, sometimes I really, really hate some Utah fans

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    • #44514
      15 1

      If you are never happy with what the team and coaches do, then go somewhere else!  For years Whit’s been criticized for offensive woes (and certainly he made a few blounders), but everytime he tried to fix it, the same folks complained about the number of OC’s we went through.

      Now, a coach many have criticized to no end for being ‘so damned conservative’ makes a very ballsy (and IMHO a good one) call and many of the same folks are bitching about it – especially on Facebook.  

      FWIW, TW is not TH.  Plain and simple.  We win both of these last two games with TH.  TW deserves kudos as he really balled out tonight.  Doesn’t mean his to the level TH is though.  With TH, the critics would have found something else to bitch about.  So be it.

      I went into this game expecting Utah to hang for a while then lose.  When they took control, that was just a bonus.  Sam Darnold is a hell of a QB.  He made some really amazing plays tonight.  The talent at WR really gave them the edge.  They flat out earned this win with amazing play.

      Bitch all you want about Whit, but he has us in every damn game with less depth and not quite as much talent.  No other coach, who would be willing to come here, could do what he does.  

      If you are one of those that bitch, feel free to head south.  You will fit right in!

      Thanks Whit and thank you Utes.  From where we were in the 80’s and early 90’s to where we are now is nothing short of awesome.  Many others would trade us in a second.  Go Utes!

    • #44517
      Tony (admin)

      The earlier 4th and 1 call was awesome. 

    • #44518

      You know the one thing I have noticed is that Fans are the only ones that worry about fans.  I doubt the coaches care if they do like Williams I would be pretty upset.  

      • #44522

        FWIW, I don’t really care who cares, but I care and I’m fairly certain Tony is ok with us posting about fans on his sports site. 


        Bitching about everything very zoobie like and just shows how closed minded and entitled we are.  Step back and look at thing objectively.  Like is much better when you do.  

        • #44531
          Tony (admin)

          But do you care if anyone cares if you care? Careful with your answer.

          • #44595

            “I could care less”  😉


            • #44620

              You could? How much less? 🙂

      • #44525

        Well, the fans down south chased Bronco away. But he is a special kind of person, so I’m not sure if that’s a good indicator for other coaches. lol

        • #44571

          Roscoe may care about that stuff.  Whitt doesn’t even know about this website or twitter or any of that s**t.  He is an old school kind of man.  

    • #44526
      St George Ute

      Watching the game was frustrating at times, well most of the 2nd half, but now that it’s over, I can honestly say we played a lot better than I thought we would. That was a coulda shoulda game. Troy played better than I expected. We lost by 1 point and almost had the win. I’m okay with that given my expectations going in.

      Now we just sit back and enjoy the rest of the season. Right now I’m pretty much just looking ahead to next year. Spend the rest of this season getting better. Come back next year and take the South.
      Go Utes!!!
    • #44528
      Red Dawn

      Well said. The fact we can hang with any team in the country home or away says wonders about the program. Close losses suck, but Whit has built a solid foundation

      • #44533
        Tony (admin)

        Yes the Whitt style keeps his teams in just about every game, sans a bad game once in a while like the last time we played at USC.  It works. It isn’t pretty, but it works.

    • #44534

      You’re focusing too much on the minority of our fanbase. It seems like the vast majority were happy with the call to go for 2.


    • #44536

      Signing in as someone who is upset at tonight’s outcome. I think Whittingham is a great coach, and I am grateful that he is at the U. But that was, in my opinion, a terrible call to go for two. 

      I’m not calling for his job, I still want him to be our coach, I am simply saying that it was a really bad call that will likely cost us the division. 
      • #44555
        1 1

        We weren’t winning the division even with a win tonight. 

        SC won’t lose another conference game the rest of the way. Their remaining Pac schedule is @ ASU, vs Zona, @ Colorado, and vs UCLA. 

        Utah on the other hand already has a loss to Stanford and we are likely going to drop at least 2 more; probably @ UW and either @ Oregon or vs Wazzu . . . if not all 3.

        • #44568
          Tony (admin)

          Crystal ball alert…  We’d be one game up on them, but USC does have an easier remaining schedule.

          • #44584

            I believe we have a bit of a pattern of losing multiple games in the month of November, so my faith in us winning out or only losing one other game after tonight is quite low.  

      • #44570
        Tony (admin)

        In the minority but agree.

      • #44577

        Had this as a loss in preseason.  But frustrating to see how crappy the 13th ranked team in the nation is.  

        • #44593

          I also had this as a loss. But I had Stanford as a win. So what do I know. 

          • #44602

            With Huntley these are both wins.  Even if Huntley took that last snap I believe he scores. 

      • #44600

        The numbers disagree with you. Utah should have gone for it. Home team has a near 60% chance of winning in OT. Then you can maybe even that out if you win the toss and defer. But if you lose the toss then you have a 60% of losing if you go first on offense. The numbers dictated going for it.

        • #44604

          Guess I’m wrong. At least I learned something. I just thought Troy with 4+ chances beats Troy with 1. 

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