Your thoughts on prize breakdown for Pac-12 Pick Em

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    • #38581
      Tony (admin)

      I have two Ute bobbleheads and six pairs of those killer sneakers available as prizes so far for the Pick Em season.  Do you guys think awarding sneakers for the top six finishers is cool, or do you like the idea of having a prize each week?  The first way rewards players who participate all year. The second way gives others a chance who may not participate every week.

      I’m going to work on more prizes too.  If I had 13 prizes (or however many weeks of pac-12 there is) that would be great.

    • #38584

      Every week, then maybe new sponsors will step up by mid-season to cover to the end.   Ideally even an full-season prize?

      • #38586
        Tony (admin)

        Yeah last year I did a killer custom milled Ute belt as the grand prize. Sent an email to them but haven’t heard back yet.

      • #38594

        I agree.  Having weekly winner is fun, and invites people to join mid-stream.

    • #38627

      I agree, a weekly winner is a lot of fun. Maybe a non conference schedule winner and a conference schedule winner?

    • #38631

      Those shoes are awesome! How does one participate in the pick’em?

      • #38634
        Riot West

        Pick Em link in top right corner of your computer screen

    • #38643

      You might want to call the Utes Sports Marketing department.  They have a lot of last year’s stuff that they might give you to use as prizes if you tell them you run Ute Hub.  They hooked us up once when we asked for an event.  Worth a try. 

    • #38669

      I submitted my first pick’em selections because of this post! I definitely think that giving the prizes out each week is the better idea. It means that someone can join at any time and have a reasonable chance to win, and it prevents those who miss a week from being penalized.

      The shoes look legit! Definitely going to try my luck at winning some!

    • #38675

      My 2 cents.  It would be good to have a prize for each game, with the qualification that you can only win a single game prize once (especially with duplicate prizes).

      But also have a little better prize for an overall win tally winner champion.  

      Possibly need a tiebreaker for deciding the overall winner.

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