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Zack Moss tells story of experiencing racism in Utah

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    • #168519
      4 6

      “Do you live over here?” Moss said the officer asked.

      Moss said he did.

      “OK, we just don’t see a lot of your kind around here,” Moss recalled the officer saying. article

    • #168520

      Wow… People are something…

      From a police officer, no less.

      [Probably posted in the wrong category though.]

      • #168521

        Listen I’m NOT anti Cop at all and I’ve known many of them personally. I have both family and friends who are Police Officers.

        They tell me stories that would scare you to death about fellow cops who join the force just to have a legal means of killing people.

        They are looking for ANY reason/probable cause to escalate the situation.

        These men and women have incredibly hard jobs. Taking you life in your hands everyday is something I don’t think I’m brave enough to do but they aren’t all boy and Girl Scouts out there.

      • #168522

        Which category is best? I’ll change it.

    • #168529
      D T

      ZM’s intelligent enough to realize that incident’s not representative of the state of UT & SLC in particular.

      I suspect he understands his overall experience was spectacular.

      • #168530

        I agree. I’m sure it was an isolated incident of overt racism by a member of the police force.

    • #168533

      I hadn’t heard of this group before. I am impressed. TikTok – blackmenaces

    • #168534

      A number of people have down-voted quotes from Moss relating his experience, and a similar number of people have up-voted a comment indicating that he must be smart enough to see that the experience was a one-off.

      • #168535

        I don’t find his description of his encounter with that cop “overt racism” It seems to be an ignorant cop, who was probably stating a fact, about not seeing many black people in that neighborhood or whatever. How ZM felt during the encounter doesn’t mean that the cop was there to lynch him or anything. In the end, he went on his way. Oh, and resting his hand on his gunbelt? Cops just do that, black people, white people. They just do. It doesn’t signify a damn thing. Ignorant, insensitive cop doesn’t equal overt racism. This is typical though. Just about any interaction with police by any black person is being labeled “overt racism” no matter what it is. I’m sorry, but every cop isn’t a racist looking to jam up, harass, intimidate, or brutalize black people. 

        • #168536

          As you accurately note, the police officer indicated that he followed Moss to his home and confronted him because of the color of his skin. I offer definitions below.

          Overt –> done or shown openly; plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden.

          Racism –> prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

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