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    • #225117

      This is fun, expressing our shared trauma. It’s our version of the zoobs constantly talking about how mean and terrible we are.

      Also answering a question not directed at me. My family moved here from CO (Buffs fans) in the late 80’s and being a teenager and having no allegiance, I immediately adopted Utah bball and BYU football, because at the time each had the better respective program. So I picked the winners. Did not take long until most of our neighbors put our non-mormon family into the ‘other’ category, that’s painful as a kid, but I quickly found the few ‘other’ kids who befriended me, and they were Ute fans, and I found my place.

      Many BYU fans are so blind to this experience so many of us had because they sincerely see themselves as better, even best, and can’t process that many of us were not treated well.

      So, when I had the chance to not care about BYU anymore, I really enjoyed it. I had no idea who they were playing, when they were playing, and went several years without watching their games. I guess I’m irritated I have to care again, because inevitably, many in that fanbase are ‘othering’ us again, and making us the bad guys. That’s what they do.

    • #219042

      1. Broncos/NFL Football
      2. Utes/College Football
      3. Giants/MLB
      4. Utah HC/NHL
      5. Olympics

    • #210924

      Well said, and the attitude I’m working on. Appreciation with the Pac12 is easy, appreciating our new circumstance is taking some work. Still grieving.

    • #210630

      I’ll say what we’re all thinking- this is depressing. Our new conference mates may hate it, but its true. You can’t replace the near-perfect conference we had with this, and pretend they are somehow equivalent. Just look at the home schedule. Not to mention, as an academic, the University affiliations actually mattered (I know, no one cares).

      But I’ll go silver-linings. Our program is in a position to excel with this group. So I’ll get my ass on board and stop complaining.

    • #210321

      Former bb season ticket holder- but today was the first game I’ve been to in 5 years.

      I was a student in the Vanhorn, Miller days, so I was shocked at the attendance today. ( I know, I’m part of the problem). Good team, god opponent.

      But we had fun with our two young sons and will be back.

    • #225156

      Cool of you to say, and I appreciate your perspective. We’re both being anecdotal, but appreciated nonetheless.

      Of course, cougarboard is almost daily discussing our collective terribleness, aggressively selling it to our new conference mates, and check it after the game in November for a long list of new homefield offenses and examples of how our fanbase is morally inferior.

    • #210353

      Oh I remember camping out. Its crazy how football and basketball have flipped. Basketball used to be the hot ticket. Even a Thursday nighter against Colo St. would pull 12-13k, and lots of students. I knew our attendance had slipped, but wow, that crowd on Saturday was a shocker for anyone who was around for the Majerus years and before.

      And while I’m a big football booster- I never miss a game, CC for over 20 years, etc…
      I admit, I’ve become a very fair-weather basketball fan. Both NBA and college. If they win, I am THAT guy who will start showing up again.

    • #192483
      8 4

      …’then it shouldn’t exist’ is the really concerning part about this. We are not, nor have ever been a pure democracy where ‘majority rules’. In fact, our representative form of democracy is precisely to prevent majority, authoritarian, fascist or theocratic rule. Brush up on your Federalist Papers and read about ‘factions’ and how the founders believed the more views the better, because the minority views will be protected from the majority. Try #51.

      So the idea that CRT ‘should not exist’ because some- maybe even a majority (doubt it) don’t like it, is completely contrary to our founding ideals and secular experiment. Plenty of us still want our children to learn true history and understand other’s experiences.

      Canceling CRT is ignorant. The left may have started cancel culture, but no one should be surprised that the right has taken it to extreme levels based on fear grievance.

    • #190053

      Thanks for the input. Guess we have to view this as the long game. 

    • #190048

      I see why my post was confusing. Was specifically referencing ProudUtes post above about cougarboard antics. 

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