User Suspended
User Suspended started the topic So how is this going to work… in the forum Football 4 years, 7 months ago
Let’s be honest, the chances of getting a couple of games in this Fall is slim.
I would assume the NCAA will grant all players an additional year of eligibility – so what does this do for recruiting numbers? Will programs be able to expand the number of scholarships (like the old days)? -
User Suspended started the topic This should be fun …. in the forum Politics 4 years, 7 months ago
And yes Hammer, I wouldn’t be suprised if Bill Clinton was mixed up with this. as well… but who is the current pres looking to get re elected…lol -
User Suspended started the topic in the forum Misc 4 years, 7 months ago
Question to tony. Why did you remove my responses to canyouhearme?
would love to have you share the resining with the furum…. -
User Suspended started the topic in the forum Misc 4 years, 8 months ago
Roger Stone (nixon tatoo on his back). I thought only cats had nine lives.
If this is the new standard… just wait till liberals are in office….utehubs head will explode
User Suspended started the topic in the forum Misc 4 years, 8 months ago
trumps on an Island with no one but his henchmen. Will he change his stance….lol, NEVER! MAGA baby!!!! -
User Suspended started the topic Today will forever be known as PACE Referedum Day in the forum Misc 4 years, 8 months ago
There better not be any vote by mail!
User Suspended started the topic What if in the forum Football 4 years, 8 months ago
What if a college football team has a player test positive for the “rona” the day before a game. The player and everyone he came in contact with (the whole team) would need to test…the game would not happen.
Can someone with any logic tell me how playing college football this fall can actually happen? IF an attempt to play football this fall…[Read more] -
User Suspended started the topic m'rica sucks at the "rona" in the forum Misc 4 years, 8 months ago
I won’t be able to travel to Europe because we cant get our act together
User Suspended started the topic this from the Atlantic ….not good in the forum Football 4 years, 9 months ago
“Hobbs said Scalley “doesn’t know his own ignorance,” a common sentiment among those players who feel they were treated unfairly by Scalley during their years at Utah. Lee said he still doesn’t believe he was intentionally trying to make black players feel uneasy, but that “he just doesn’t know any better.”
Former Utah linebacker Stevenson…[
User Suspended started the topic Scalley needs to man up and resign in the forum Football 4 years, 9 months ago
Simply because not leaving will destroy African American recruiting forever. Can you imagine what ammo Az st. coaches now have on Utah – we’ll never win a head to head battle again ( probably never get up to bat).
Do I think Scalley is racist? No, at least from a middle-aged white guy perspective. But do I think many recruits (and parents) might…[Read more] -
User Suspended started the topic Jordon Peele is the most brilliant comic in the last 15 years in the forum Misc 4 years, 9 months ago
Can’t figure our why he’s not main stream and making bank,
User Suspended started the topic Covid question..wish we can do a poll in the forum Misc 4 years, 9 months ago
So trump is coming to my neck of the woods on Thursday to visit a Ford factory.
Ford has publicaly state that ALL people will need to wear facemasks for this media event…including our dear leader.
Question, does trump wear a mask? This is a sing state and Ford swings a big bat. I still say he doesn’t -
User Suspended started the topic So Dallas is doing a bang up job with complience in opening up… in the forum Misc 4 years, 10 months ago
I really don’t blame small business for this. They have had such mixed messages from a federal level. It’s like lord of the flies out there.
User Suspended started the topic So uthub, can we say covid19 in the forum Misc 4 years, 10 months ago
is at leat a bigger then the flu… or are still not there.
User Suspended started the topic How's it going in the Utah bubble in the forum Misc 4 years, 10 months ago
Here in SE MI it’s a bit dicey. about 3,600 deaths
My next door neighor (56 years old) is in the hospital in realy bad shape. He never left his home except for groceires and gas.
Shit just got very real. -
User Suspended started the topic This hit me on Sunday in the forum Misc 4 years, 11 months ago
All this social distancing and draconian measures will not keep you from getting the virus – only delay the days. I’ve spent the last 10 days Cloroxing everything in the house and washing my hands multiple times a day – and it hit me, in the long run, it doesn’t matter. Almost everyone will contract the virus no matter how many times you clean…[Read more]
User Suspended started the topic in the forum Misc 4 years, 11 months ago
Tony, you need to hang the “gone fishing” sign up and call it a day.
Unless your “hub” wants to talk about anything else but sports – this place is dead for the next +6 months.
User Suspended started the topic Gonzaga BB in the forum Basketball (Men) 5 years ago
I’ve seen Gonzaga BB play four times this year and every time I say… not that good.
Maybe College basketball just sucks this year, but they are not a top 10 team any other year -
User Suspended started the topic fascinated by LJ's hair in the forum NBA 5 years ago
A lot or money has been put into that restoration… still looking sketchy.
Jst let it go or shave the globe. I hat when people try to decieve. - Load More