ABQUTE replied to the topic First CFP Poll comes out Tuesday. in the forum Football 5 years ago
I figured we come in at 10. 9 would likely be best case scenario
ABQUTE replied to the topic Uniforms for UW Game Revealed in the forum Football 5 years ago
One of my favorite helmets. Good look!
ABQUTE replied to the topic Switching between overly optimistic & unduly pessimistic. How’re you feeling? in the forum Football 5 years ago
Feeling good about our chances. We have a defense that is playing great ball right now. Our offense is producing on a good level even with an injured Huntley.
That said I am cautiously confident given how USC went. I don’t think we will have that kind of performance per se but Washington is a well balanced attack so we need minimal mistakes.
ABQUTE replied to the topic Top Six in the forum Football 5 years ago
I find Herbstreit to be the perfect example of a lazy and very biased reporter. Have seen him misrepresent multiple quotes stats and seems to not do his homework on teams that are not Ohio St, Alabama, or current front runners. He is on my disregard list.
ABQUTE replied to the topic I think we broke the Sundevils in the forum Football 5 years ago
Yup they don’t look good tonight
ABQUTE replied to the topic Utes at Beavers live game chat! in the forum Football 5 years ago
Let’s go Utes!!! Pound those beavers until they can’t walk.
ABQUTE replied to the topic If Moss isn't 100% but good enough to play, do you play him? in the forum Football 5 years ago
My thoughts exactly.
ABQUTE replied to the topic Trading BYU for Florida in 2022 and 2023 in the forum Football 6 years ago
I love the rivalry, but I love this match more!
ABQUTE replied to the topic Utah playing SC is a trap game in the forum Football 6 years ago
Not a trap game!!! Anyvteam with the talent of a USC is not a team that could ever qualify as a trap game.
ABQUTE replied to the topic Lisk? in the forum Football 6 years ago
Well we got to see them both and I was not impressed either way. Shelly only had a couple throws but they were average at best. I thought lisker was fairly accurate but did not look deeper than 5 yards??? Probably how the plays were set up.
ABQUTE replied to the topic Unimpressed with our 2s in the forum Football 6 years ago
Absolutely agree. Very sloppy and unable to move the ball. Not good for the look of our depth.
ABQUTE replied to the topic Utah / ISU stream is LIVE! in the forum Football 6 years ago
Missed tackles that is all for now. Go Utes!!
ABQUTE replied to the topic How to make the best of a game vs. Idaho State. in the forum Pac-12 6 years ago
This is pretty much what I am getting at. These games are opportunities to take interest in the deeper aspects of the game. Not everyone can find interest in these things, but if you can it provides an Avenue for you to get enjoyment out of the game. To each their own. We all hope they come out and crush them early. I am just trying to help others…[Read more]
ABQUTE replied to the topic So, looks like Bill Riley canned Gunther and Ben in the forum Misc 6 years ago
So much for radio centered heavily on utah football. Checketts will bore the crap out of us with NBA talk.
ABQUTE became a registered member 6 years ago