AlohaUte replied to the topic Huntsman Center in the forum Basketball (Men) 2 weeks, 4 days ago
Well, it is old, but I like it and thinks its fine. I don’t know that I’d spend the money to replace it. I’d first say, putting a winning product on the court and see if it can fill up again consistently. If the U didn’t have a problem filling it during the Majerus years they shouldn’t now when the population has grown exponentially.
That said,…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic POTUS in the forum Politics 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Well, I’m pretty independent politically. I was a never-Trump until 2 days before the election. I ended up voting for Trump this elections, 3rd party in 2016 and Biden in 2020.
Trump’s style is chaotic and feels that way. There is a lot that he says that bothers me and sounds crazy, but as I’ve learned about Trump that’s his style and it’s often…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic Utah Basketball in the BIG12 in the forum Basketball (Men) 3 weeks, 2 days ago
I’m definitely surprised. Nice expected us to finish bottom 3.
The program has a long way to go, but I’m not terribly disappointed in the season.
AlohaUte replied to the topic If we lose to Colorado at home, I may need to take a break… in the forum Basketball (Men) 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Really surprised that Colorado collapsed this season. Anyone know why? They’ve been a tournament team the last couple of seasons, right?
AlohaUte replied to the topic Utah Hockey Club: LEAKED concepts & logos in the forum NHL 3 weeks, 4 days ago
I’m perfectly fine with both Mammoth and Outlaws. I don’t like HC.
As for color scheme, they should alter slightly. The current scheme is perfect for Mammoth, IMO, but I’d alter it a bit – like add some brown or copper color into it. If they go with Outlaws and want to keep the sky blue and black, they definitely need to add brown or copper or…[Read more]
AlohaUte started the topic 1944 Utah National Championship Basketball Team in the forum Basketball (Men) 3 weeks, 5 days ago
I dove down the rabbit hole of looking up NCAA Champions and realized I had never looked into the 1944 Utah team. Pretty interesting. It was a completely different world. Here’s the wiki page for that team: Utah 1944 Wiki
The schedule was nuts. They basically played a bunch of military teams, played Dow Chemical, etc. No BYU, no Utah State…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 3 weeks, 5 days ago
Yeah, I’m still unenthusiastic about the Big-12. At least we still have UA, ASU, and CU. And I like being in conference with BYU and TCU. The rest I don’t care about.
Conversely, I cared about every team in the Pac-12 one way or the other.
AlohaUte replied to the topic 2025 Schedule released…finally in the forum Football 3 weeks, 5 days ago
Why are we playing a team none of us care about in the last game of the regular season? We ought to be playing either BYU or Colorado on rivalry weekend. I’d even take TCU.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Mammoth, Outlaws, or HC… what you like? in the forum NHL 3 weeks, 6 days ago
I think most new names sound like minor league teams until we are used to them.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Spring Game in the forum Football 3 weeks, 6 days ago
Agree, sadly. What a crazy world of CFB it is.
It’s the wild west right now. Someday soon it’ll all be regulated again
AlohaUte replied to the topic Utah Hockey Club: LEAKED concepts & logos in the forum NHL 3 weeks, 6 days ago
I think they said the logos would likely change. And I hope they do.
I like the Outlaws name, but that logo stinks IMO.
AlohaUte replied to the topic The Utah Lacrosse team upset #19 Ohio St this afternoon, 19-13…. in the forum Other Ute Sports 3 weeks, 6 days ago
Super cool!
AlohaUte replied to the topic Mammoth, Outlaws, or HC… what you like? in the forum NHL 3 weeks, 6 days ago
Hey I want to apologize for being an a**hole. I’ve been a big jerk and I’ll strive to express my disagreement more cordially and respectfully.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Mammoth, Outlaws, or HC… what you like? in the forum NHL 1 month ago
When you say something incredibly idiotic, you ought to be called out for it
Grow up. -
AlohaUte replied to the topic Mammoth, Outlaws, or HC… what you like? in the forum NHL 1 month ago
“I will stop supporting the team”
Are you a child? This þ is among the most ridiculous reasons to stop supporting a team.
AlohaUte started the topic Mammoth, Outlaws, or HC… what you like? in the forum NHL 1 month ago
1. Outlaws
2. MammothBoth are solid. HC is awful.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Frustrating. in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month ago
And I doubt we have money to but players
AlohaUte replied to the topic I need somewhere where I can post this, I can't take the insanity anymore in the forum Misc 1 month, 1 week ago
Then why did you bring it up?
AlohaUte replied to the topic I need somewhere where I can post this, I can't take the insanity anymore in the forum Misc 1 month, 1 week ago
I find and Semafor to be refreshingly balanced. Check them out.
Also the most balanced and fair voice in political media I’ve found to be Michael Smerconish. He’s got a great radio show that sits on Sirius XM and maybe elsewhere.
AlohaUte replied to the topic I need somewhere where I can post this, I can't take the insanity anymore in the forum Misc 1 month, 1 week ago
Hence why he won reelection
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