AlohaUte replied to the topic Tv deal chat… in the forum Pac-12 1 year, 10 months ago
It doesn’t help that the overall economy has stalled. When the B12 signed, the Economy was healthier than it is today. It’s kind of a bad time to be negotiating a new TV deal.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Nice article on spring practice in the forum Football 1 year, 10 months ago
So I have a personal affinity for Vele as we were in the same ward in San Diego, and he is a great talent. But I’m concerned that he hasn’t shown the ability to get separation and, therefore, not able to be a top notch receiver. Granted I’m not a football expert, so maybe it was more on rising not able to get him the ball. But that’s my big concern.
AlohaUte started the topic What happened to Phillips' draft stock? in the forum Football 1 year, 10 months ago
Mid-season Clark Phillips was projected to be a 1st round pick, now we almost never hear of him. He’s not even listed in many top-10 Cornerback draft prospects. What happened? To me, he’s one of the greats to come out of Utah.
AlohaUte replied to the topic This ACC news is another example of how stupid the Big 12 is. in the forum Football 2 years ago
You are crazy if you think FSU, Clemson, Miami would have ever considered the Big 12. It’s SEC or B1G only.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Question for… in the forum Pac-12 2 years ago
If I remember correctly though, the new media deal with the Big-12 hasn’t been signed yet and the GOR is not in place. But I could be wrong.
AlohaUte started the topic If the Utes ever have (or want) to change their name, I want the Red Rocks in the forum Football 2 years ago
I love that the Gymnastic team uses it, it’s unique, and it’s local to the state. I personally find it far more appealing than Hawks or Red-tailed Hawks (though red-tailed hawks are awesome, we have a ton in the Boise are and they are wonderful).
AlohaUte replied to the topic Cal Poly reeling in the talent in the forum Football 2 years, 1 month ago
Wonder if Cal Poly is considering a jump to FBS, perhaps to replace SDSU in the MWC if they jump to the P12?
AlohaUte replied to the topic Utah Football Recruiting in the forum Football 2 years, 1 month ago
I saw a graphic yesterday that said 24/7 had the Utes at #17.
Not sure if that is accurate though.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Bees in the forum Misc 2 years, 1 month ago
I think pro-sports teams are almost always better downtown in a city. Especially in Salt Lake where SLC is central to the population center with Ogden area to the North and Provo to the south. But it is minor league, so it’s probably not as big a deal.
AlohaUte replied to the topic 247's Brandon Huffman on Utah's 2024 Recruiting Class in the forum Football 2 years, 1 month ago
Let’s hope this is prophetic!
AlohaUte replied to the topic Possible Unpopular Opinion on Tavion Thomas in the forum Football 2 years, 1 month ago
Here’s my likely unpopular opinion. He quit on his team. He put himself before the team and I blame him more than any other for our struggling season. He is incredibly talented, arguably the most talented back in Utah history, I feel bad for him that he couldn’t keep it together enough to put himself in a better position for the NFL and he could…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic Red goggles off, what is your season record prediction for 2023? in the forum Football 2 years, 1 month ago
First, are we confident in knowing which Pac-12 teams we are playing this season? With the eradication of divisions, can’t the conference restructure the scheduling so we aren’t playing all the P12 South teams next season?
Regardless, with the current project scheduled teams, I say we go 10-2. Our defense will be better and if Rising is healthy…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic Vele back in the forum Football 2 years, 1 month ago
Giddy up. He’s got great hands and size. Need him to be able to create some separation. If he can he’ll have a great season.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Cam back (no surprise) in the forum Football 2 years, 1 month ago
Keep in mind, before Kuithe went out with injury, it was Kuithe who was dominating, not Kincaid. Kincaid is a big loss, he’s awesome, but Kuithe is just as awesome.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Thoughts on the game, and the season in the forum Football 2 years, 2 months ago
The biggest problem to me is that we don’t have playmaker WR’s that can get separation. With out Kuithe and Kincaid, our throw game is suspect. I’m not sure Rising was the problem tonight.
AlohaUte replied to the topic What needs to improve to take that next step? in the forum Football 2 years, 2 months ago
1. WR playmakers. None of them can get separation.
2. A better pass defense scheme
3. Real QB depth
4. Players to not opt out of the Rose Bowl
AlohaUte replied to the topic Greetings from the Rose Bowl in the forum Football 2 years, 2 months ago
Sweet, I’ll keep an eye out for the announcement!
AlohaUte replied to the topic Greetings from the Rose Bowl in the forum Football 2 years, 2 months ago
Can’t wait to join you down there!
Prob a little late to set it up, but it would be fun to do a UteHub meet up.
Go Utes!
AlohaUte replied to the topic Your opinion, is it better to sit in the endzone or the corner sections? in the forum Football 2 years, 2 months ago
Yeah, I totally agree. Unfortunately, my budget doesn’t agree.
AlohaUte started the topic Your opinion, is it better to sit in the endzone or the corner sections? in the forum Football 2 years, 2 months ago
at the Rose Bowl. I’m looking for two tickets. My budget is tight, so I’ll have crummy seats regardless, but do you think it’s better to be directly in the endzone (sections 10-13 or 24-27) or in the corners, like sections 8-9?
Also, if any of you have two extra tix for under around $300 total, I’d love to consider them. It’d be nice to avoid…[Read more] - Load More