AlohaUte replied to the topic All white unis for Florida. My personal favorite. in the forum Football 2 years, 6 months ago
My absolute favorite. The only thing I’d like better is the drum and feather logo on the helmet.
I love the White and Red look. That’s Utah. I’m not a fan of black on our uniforms.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Utes favored by Vegas and the Major Press… But Utah getting dogged by others. in the forum Football 2 years, 6 months ago
Meh, that’s the nature of the sports world, particularly college football. It’s best to just enjoy the ride. I think the Utes have the talent and coaching to make the playoff, but other teams do too.
AlohaUte started the topic Yes, Coaching is critical, but so much rests on the players in the forum Football 2 years, 6 months ago
Scott Frost could get fired due to the loss to NW today. Yet, on the last offensive drive two of his players simply didn’t catch very catchable balls. Had they, the outcome might have been very different. Of course, his fate is based on more that this one game, but it’s amazing how just simply having your players make the plays the should make can…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic How confident are you feeling about our kicking, punting, ST in general? in the forum Football 2 years, 6 months ago
Not confident at all. It’s 100% the one part of the team I’m most concerned about; particularly punt coverage and field goal kicking.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Nothing like a little locker room material in the forum Football 2 years, 6 months ago
Is that guy anyone of consequence or some random fan / youtuber? Is he a player on Florida’s team?
AlohaUte started the topic Kyle's press conference at media day in the forum Football 2 years, 7 months ago
AlohaUte replied to the topic Even the commissioners don't seem to know what is going on… in the forum Football 2 years, 7 months ago
Exactly, if the B1G is serious about wall to wall, all day coverage of CFB. They’ll need to add probably 4 more western teams. Otherwise every UCLA and USC home game will be at 7:30pm.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Even the commissioners don't seem to know what is going on… in the forum Football 2 years, 7 months ago
It’s either 1) he slipped up (I don’t think so), 2) Considers Nebraska as in the Mountain Time Zone because the western part of the state is (even if no one lives there) or 3) they are considering adding one or more of Utah, Colorado, ASU, or UA.
AlohaUte replied to the topic Can the PAC ruin everything for the Big12? Is it true that the AAC teams have in the forum Pac-12 2 years, 7 months ago
Honestly, San Diego State is probably the #1 most valuable option the Pac-12 has. Getting back into Southern California in a city that now ONLY has Baseball as a major competitive draw and a new (though small) stadium I think will help the Pac-12 the most overall. I also like the idea going around about going out and adding SMU and like the idea…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic Which of you is traveling to Portland in mid-August? in the forum Other Ute Sports 2 years, 7 months ago
That’s the Univ of Portland? A beautiful campus!
AlohaUte started the topic A new perspective (for me) on realignment in the forum Football 2 years, 7 months ago
With the going theory being that the remaining 10 of the Pac-12 are staying together, it got me thinking more about why and that led me to academics. There is real value to being aligned academically with great academic schools. I wouldn’t be shocked if the Pac-12 is in contact with Kansas (AAU), Iowa State (AAU), Baylor, TCU and Oklahoma State…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic What’s your reading on Harlan (and Randall) when it comes to realignment? in the forum Pac-12 2 years, 7 months ago
I just don’t see any reason why any Big-12 school would leave to come to the Pac-12 at this point. It defies reason.
AlohaUte replied to the topic The Rutgers, Vanderbilts, Texas Techs etc in the forum Football 2 years, 7 months ago
I think this is the inevitable end game. There will be one league or conference with “divisions” with the top schools in the country. I think it will have a single commissioner and the players will be either unionized or have some sort of representation.
Ultimately the Ohio State’s and Alabama’s of the world will get sick of the dead weight like…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic What’s your reading on Harlan (and Randall) when it comes to realignment? in the forum Pac-12 2 years, 7 months ago
This is the most likely scenario, in fact I fully expect Arizona and Colorado to announce leaving before the season starts. IMO, Utah should 100% go to the Big12, even if they have to sign the GOR until 2025. THat is soon enough that IF an invite to the B1G or SEC comes, we can make the move at that time without much issue.
The reality, we aren’t…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic What’s your reading on Harlan (and Randall) when it comes to realignment? in the forum Pac-12 2 years, 7 months ago
For Utah it’s really all about on-field success (but certainly our market and academics are a significant factor too). But without the winning and the strong reputation Utah would be viewed the same way the B1G or SEC view Arizona. A solid school, ok market, but don’t really add anything. However, with Utah winning the conference and pre-season…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic Big 12 / Pac 12 Merger Dead in the forum Pac-12 2 years, 7 months ago
For one, there is zero change the existing P12 would be able to convince 4 Big12 schools to jump ship to the Pac-12. Whether right or wrong, the Big12 is viewed as more stable, gets more eyeballs, and is a solid league. They aren’t going to leave that to come to the Pac-12 where Oregon and Washington will leave as soon as the B1G comes calling…[Read more]
AlohaUte replied to the topic New rumors, Utes to ACC in the forum Football 2 years, 8 months ago
Sigh, you always make everything better even when I want to be despondent
AlohaUte replied to the topic A note on the current state of things. in the forum Football 2 years, 8 months ago
Just remember folks, message board and twitter fans of all teams are toxic. This is easily the most rational and civil board I’ve been on. Apparently Ute fans over on 247 board and twitter are awful. And Cougarboard is the single biggest group of out of touch, goggle wearing fans of any sport everywhere.
AlohaUte started the topic Where are you sitting at the Florida game? Anyone know where the Utes seats are? in the forum Football 2 years, 8 months ago
I’m trying to make it work to get to Gainesville for the game, tickets are super pricey so I will probably buy a seat in the endzone nosebleeds, but wondering where everyone else is sitting. It would be fun to sit near other a few other Ute fans (I’ll be flying solo).
AlohaUte replied to the topic It is critical that Utah keeps winning every year until CFB's reorg is completed in the forum Football 2 years, 8 months ago
For Utah, specifically though, winning is critical for Utah. It’s all about perception for the Utes who are right on the cusp of being in or out. Our market is good not great. Our academics are solid, not great or unique. We increase our value by being an intriguing match up because we have a winning culture. Winning is not the end all be all, but…[Read more]
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