Anfernee replied to the topic Unfortunate trend continues in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Everything being said in this thread is exactly what we all said after Arizona and during the bye week.
Anfernee replied to the topic Unfortunate trend continues in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
AL gets paid so much money just to drive our entire offensive into the Ludwig Landfill.
Anfernee replied to the topic Unfortunate trend continues in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Or the Charlie Vincent wildcat in first red zone trip with a maimed Cam lined out as a receiver.
Anfernee replied to the topic Unfortunate trend continues in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Do we have ANY reason to believe Ludwig will let Wilson do more? Or “have fun and play more loose” like others have said? Whitt and Ludwig don’t change. I’d love for Isaac to just ball out, get super confident and want to be our QB1 for years to come. But how can anyone believe Ludwig would let that happen or give IW the opportunities to be that.
Anfernee replied to the topic Season Ending. Farewell Cam Rising. in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Both can be true. He’s just specifically referencing Cam’s toughness and people who have questioned that.
Anfernee replied to the topic Handling of QB situation in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Thanks for all your input 👻
You think there’s any validity to the “Isaac is likely going to transfer due to how poorly our coaching staff (mainly Whitt and Lud) have handled the QB situation each week.” -
Anfernee replied to the topic Handling of QB situation in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Tuttle Part Deux
Anfernee replied to the topic Handling of QB situation in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Another aspect of this (regardless if the above post is true or not) is the Wilson’s seeing how Zach was handled with the Jets. He isn’t blameless of course but seeing another one of your sons go through another baffling toxic quarterback situation that possibly stunts growth, and how it’s being handled from the top down, would make any parent…[Read more]
Anfernee replied to the topic I come in peace… in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Welcome, brother. College football is wild. Which is why we love the highs and keep putting ourselves through misery. You guys won 5 games last season and ended the year on a 5 game losing. Now you’re 1 or 2 wins away from top 10 with basically the exact same team. Remarkable and very admirable. I can really respect a team like that which sticks…[Read more]
Anfernee replied to the topic Snake bitten in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
And the continual trend (from last year) as well. Injuries. Dumani and Keenan Johnson for the season. Last week no Reid and O’Toole yet again. Tanuvasa out. Fotu out. Just maddening.
Anfernee replied to the topic Dumb question in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Previous shoulder surgery. Big brace on knee. Already having to use more lower body to power the ball. And that was before he hurt fingers. And then he couldn’t even plant off his foot.
Anfernee replied to the topic Go home in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Confused by that as well.
Anfernee started the topic Morgan Scalley Dean Witter in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Urban Meyer has said on more than one occasion that Scalley is one of the top 5 favorite players he’s ever coached. Chase Hansen (Saints from 19-22) said Morgan is the best coach he’s ever head at any level. Morgan has told people close to him he wants an aggressive “Urban-like offense.” I’m not worried about him carrying over the things Whitt…[Read more]
Anfernee replied to the topic Ohio State at Oregon in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Gabriel wouldn’t be able to run our complex offense anyway.
Anfernee replied to the topic I drank the kool-aid and I regret it in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Why would Whitt/Ludwig suddenly start doing obvious things?
Anfernee replied to the topic Ludwig contract in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
I’d love that “playing loose and having fun” is rarely in the cards for a team with two old stubborn coaches.
Anfernee started the topic Ludwig contract in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
From February 2023 when Notre Dame was flirting with hiring him: “Ludwig operates on a rolling three-year contract, with a buyout of roughly $2.8 million.”
I can’t imagine any fans want him back. I don’t know why offensive recruits would want to play in this offense under him. Donors/NIL collective can’t be eager to write more checks for this. I…[Read more] -
Anfernee replied to the topic Playoffs still attainable? in the forum Football 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Tanuvasa. O’Toole. Dumani. Reid. Fotu. Keenan Johnson.
Anfernee replied to the topic Playoffs still attainable? in the forum Football 4 months, 4 weeks ago
“We couldn’t do diddly poo offensively.” Another Mora that fits us.
Anfernee replied to the topic Playoffs still attainable? in the forum Football 4 months, 4 weeks ago
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