Active 5 hours, 3 minutes ago-
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic Over his 10 seasons as a OC/quarterbacks coach at the FBS level in the forum Football 3 months ago
I don’t think anything will change as long as Whitt is around. I place zero expectations on the offense. But I expect improvement because the bar has been set so low.
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic Losing Confidence in the forum Football 3 months ago
Utah’s recruiting didn’t fall off though and the transfers have been nothing burgers though. We have a sky is falling scenario which I didn’t like but I haven’t seen the consequences.
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic This is a boomer problem. Harlan and (maybe less so) Whitt in the forum Football 3 months ago
You saw that Tavian McNair signed right? The very first paragraph spawns the rest of @Red conclusions.
The “striking” out narrative is literally a false narrative. In fact I would argue you are just repeating information that recruits and players are wise to.
Utah seems to be cutting the fat and preparing for an OC that isn’t so earth shatt…[Read more]
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic This is a boomer problem. Harlan and (maybe less so) Whitt in the forum Football 3 months ago
Post more! But I think you are assuming a lot to come to your conclusion. I don’t think we have any basis for saying Utah struck out. In fact with the transfer portal and recruiting class being what it is I would say you are dead wrong.
But I also understand I can’t reason people out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. So I will…[Read more]
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic Couples Therapy Utah Football Fan Edition in the forum Football 3 months ago
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic BIG12 All Conference Team in the forum Football 3 months ago
Kuithe? Really? Ok.
Travis Hunter both teams. Utah not having any defensive players on first team is kind of bullshit ngl.
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic Don't want to get ahead of my skis, but… in the forum Football 3 months ago
Incredible breakdown and good read thanks!
I will be sacrificing to all the gods Utah can get over this injury curse and the upcoming three years propels Utah to being dominant once again! -
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic Leftwich in the forum Football 3 months ago
Super secret offensive coordinator. Just never reveal who it is.
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic Two things I don't understand about the Ute Fan base (at least online) in the forum Football 3 months ago
Ignorance is bliss on a lot of things. Speculation on my part but I think GameForAnyFuss is fans that imagine the worst case scenario despite very little evidence to support that belief.
Talking on Utehub is cathartic for me. I don’t necessarily believe the worst is happening always. I tend to be swayed by evidence contrary to my views as w…[Read more]
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic Raycine Guillory is a Ute! in the forum Football 3 months ago
Safe to say Whitt is staying on I think.
That kids name just screams First Team All American Running Back. His highlight reel is so good.
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic Two things I don't understand about the Ute Fan base (at least online) in the forum Football 3 months ago
Why should we have sympathy for a school that did nothing other than be good at football? Utah did A LOT of things to get into the Pac12 other than just bust the BCS.
I guess not getting into the Big12 is a shame? But I don’t see why I should care? Just like I didn’t care about those other teams. -
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic Two things I don't understand about the Ute Fan base (at least online) in the forum Football 3 months ago
This is incredibly ironic to me. “Don’t hate on BSU fans but I can hate on Utah fans for reasons that are more valid than your reasons.”@AlohaUte
Humans regardless of what they may like or not are annoying and idiotic. Truly an innovative thought! -
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic Two things I don't understand about the Ute Fan base (at least online) in the forum Football 3 months ago
BSU has the most annoying field. Easter Washington second most annoying. It makes my eyes bleed on my quality television or highlights on my phone.
I don’t go out of my way to hate on them online but I just don’t care for their team. I am close to my relatives from BSU and get along fine with them. I don’t talk football with anyone who is a TSPP…[Read more] -
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic The knock on Leftwich, he's 29 with only 1 year as an OC in the forum Football 3 months ago
Whitt hired Johnson at one point. Not necessarily the same comparison.
I almost feel at this point Rising is the next OC and QB.
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic OC in the forum Football 3 months ago
I would be hella skeptical to sign right now. But that is my 41 year old paranoid ass.
Seems like there is something in place to give everyone confidence.
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic CFP discussion in the forum Football 3 months ago
Not even going to watch it. I am more curious about the tv ratings after all is said and done.
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic OC in the forum Football 3 months ago
I think it became a goal during the losing streak to have multiple first downs in a game. Touchdowns were too lofty.
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic Hiring Happening On This Hump Day On The Hill!? in the forum Football 3 months ago
I assume something around 11. Haha again!
I did notice they just dropped that Ficklin signed.
https://www.instagram.com/p/DDKH6EVJdkk/?img_index=2&igsh=MWpvNTF3eXZndjI5Zg== -
EagleMountainUte replied to the topic I think the longer the silence, the more in the forum Football 3 months ago
Only counter to that is Utah did well enough in 2023 with the same injury troubles and in my view significantly harder schedule. This season was a regression by most standards. It was the way they lost that has many people concerned. It was clearly coaching decisions and getting out coached by subjectively worst teams.
EagleMountainUte started the topic In my best Jerry Seinfeld voice: What’s the deal with assistant coach Harding? in the forum Football 3 months ago
Been listed as Assistant Coach/Offensive line since 2017. Has these extensive accolades on his bio including how well Booker did:
As the co-offensive coordinator with oversight of the run game in 2015, Harding was instrumental in the career of another NFL draft pick in running back Devontae Booker (2016 to Denver).
What’s his deal? Just h…[Read more]
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