Utah @  Houston


  • Big, big gamble by Michigan. I understand wanting to maintain continuity, I understand wanting to mollify the players but feel good hires don’t always end well. To me, Michigan isn’t a job for a first time head coach. I mean, even guys that have been consistent winners at other programs haven’t always fared well there. If I’m Ohio and Penn…[Read more]

  • I think that, unless something changes in the way college football is going, pretty soon here 60+ year old head coaches are going to be pretty rare. I have to imagine that all of the extraneous stuff around the game today really takes a lot of the fun out of it.

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Injury report in the forum Basketball (Men) 9 months ago

    This is starting to look like a repeat of last year, when a promising season was derailed by untimely injuries. The fact that there’s really no information about the timing of a possible return for any of the injured players makes me think the worst about the situation. Even if they return relatively soon, it’s going to take them a while to get…[Read more]

  • I’ve always hated USC the worst but ASU was always a close second when they were competent, especially when Todd Graham was there. I mean, we’ve won four straight against them but I remember when they used to beat us like a drum, winning 13 out of 15 contests until our streak started, and their fanbase wasn’t shy about letting us know it.

  • Petersen left because he was burnt out and he turns 60 this year. I’m sure that some team would like to have him but, given his age and the fact that he’s already stepped away from the game one, for how long? Mullen is a different story. What would you think of him as a hypothetical replacement for Whitt in a couple of years?

  • This recent video from Brodie Brazil makes it sound like SLC has a real chance to host the A’s for at least three years. If it happens, it’ll be a good tryout to determine if SLC can actually have its own MLB franchise:

    Salt Lake CURVEBALL for A’s temporary home

  • I agree. UCF. As a native Floridian, I’m sure it won’t be long before there’s static between UCF and Utah. A couple of “What’s an Utah?’ comments at away games should get things going. Are you hearing rumors of Chris Petersen coming back to the coaching ranks?

  • Is that what you think? That any coach can go to up to Michigan and automatically win? That certainly wasn’t the case before Harbaugh showed up at Michigan. Rich Rod had, at West Virginia, more AP Top 10 finishes in his seven years there than Whitt has had in his entire career at Utah. AT…WEST…VIRGINIA…then he went to Michigan, thinking…[Read more]

  • Explain to me what mental gymnastics you underwent to formulate such a question.

  • You mean somewhere in the middle? Ryan Day’s record at tOSU is 56-8 with four x Top 5 rankings at the end of the season.

  • It’s quite possible but we’ll never know. Keep in mind that there have been many coaches that, once taken away from their area of comfort, haven’t been successful in big jobs. Look at Florida, who hasn’t had a sniff of the limelight since Meyer left them. Or Michigan before Harbaugh got there… people forget how that program was hot garbage…[Read more]

  • No, I’m not wildly underselling him. I’m just telling it like it is from the viewpoint of someone who’s not an Utah homer. Utah on the level of Wyoming? Are you for real? Maybe in the sixties. Certainly not at anytime this century. You forget that Whitt took over a program that that went 22-2 in the two seasons before he became the head…[Read more]

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Game Day!! in the forum Basketball (Men) 9 months ago

    Rick, for me it’s the eye test…Smith is winning with a less talented, and more injured, roster than what K usually had on the floor. In addition, in K’s worst years, there were many more episodes of disjointed offense for longer periods of time in games. If you really want a technical solution to the question, someone is going to have to do a…[Read more]

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Game Day!! in the forum Basketball (Men) 9 months ago

    I agree with you that Smith is a better coach than K but that’s only one half of the equation. I’m decisively not impressed with Smith’s recruiting. When you look at the guys K brought to Utah, and I’m not even talking about the three NBA #1 draft picks, what Smith has brought in really pales in comparison. Now, if Smith could coach K’s talent,…[Read more]

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Game Day!! in the forum Basketball (Men) 9 months ago

    If Smith, Lawson, and Worster are out for an extended period, Utah is going to be lucky to win another game this season. I mean, who are they going to beat? They still have a ton of difficult games ahead on the schedule. Right now, Utah’s PG is Hunter Erickson and that would make him the worst starting PG in the PAC by a mile.

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Game Day!! in the forum Basketball (Men) 9 months ago

    Depends how they do during the rest of the season. If they have another swoon like last year they won’t even make the NIT. The big problem with this team is that they play very poorly away from home. If they can’t pick up some away victories, it’s going to be problematic to make any postseason tournament.

  • Maybe 10 years ago. Now? Whitt’s too old and would just be s placeholder HC. Plus he’s never really won big and the constant losing in bowl games has taken some of the shine off.

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Game Day!! in the forum Basketball (Men) 9 months ago

    Well, Davion Smith is out. Hurt his ankle landing on a Wazzu player’s foot. If he’s out for an extended period, Utah’s season is cooked.

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Game Day!! in the forum Basketball (Men) 9 months ago

    This team is so maddening. They just can’t seem to get over their road blues. The Utes are currently on track for a 20 point 1st half. Thank God that Wazzu isn’t much better.

  • I’m hearing that Harbaugh is going to be taking a lot of his Michigan staff with him to the Chargers. Elevating the OC might not even be an option.

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