BSU has the most annoying field. Eastern Washington second most annoying. It makes my eyes bleed on my quality television or highlights on my phone.
I don’t go out of my way to hate on them online but I just don’t care for their team. I am close to my relatives from BSU and get along fine with them. I don’t talk football with anyone who is a TSPP fan in comparison.
I have talked about Harlan many times. It really feels like he has done nothing. I also felt disgusted with most of the administration during the fall of the P12. I don’t like the current situation but understand they did the best with what they got. I could be wrong on all of my notions. But how he acted after the TSPP doesn’t help my opinion of him.
Harlan also talked about the broadcast responsibilities which is why OReilly got hired. I don’t know who is responsible for all of that but I haven’t seen any growth in that regard yet. Utah is still underutilizing social media exposure imo. Also if you listen to the broadcast on 700 they still can’t get Sly’s audio figured out for some reason. Which is annoying. I want to hear from Sly the most if I am being honest. When they try sideline interviews it doesn’t work.
On 700 they live stream OC and that ass clown alcoholic. But I can’t get a Sly sideline interview for the broadcast?
Now I am ranting. I blame Harlan for a lot of that. He said in an interview he was working on getting that started though.