UtahMan started the topic Heading to Eugene and Corvallis next week in the forum Football 9 years, 5 months ago
What a time to be heading to both Corvallis (where my colleagues at OSU are ready to throw us a parade) as well as Eugene next week! I’m heading there with several others from the U for a conference. I could not be more ecstatic and proud to sport my Utah attire behind enemy and envious lines. Receiving texts from OSU fans throughout the game was…[Read more]
UtahMan replied to the topic The Drive (Spoiler Alert) in the forum Football 9 years, 5 months ago
I was thinking the exact same thing. Here we have Travis who played well against Michigan and Utah State and finally has some confidence, then this. It’s got to be embarrassing to see that on TV in front of your team, although I’m sure he’s used to criticism.
UtahMan replied to the topic Utah will win Saturday IF: (________) in the forum Football 9 years, 5 months ago
The run game has drastically improved and our O-line gets good push throughout the game. We need to limit their possessions if we don’t want a completely gassed defense in the 4th Q.
UtahMan replied to the topic Corey Butler-Byrd 98 Yard Kickoff Return in the forum Football 9 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for posting this video. I was really impressed with his acceleration after clearing some of the traffic. Dude is fast. Covey has an amazing ability to juke and make people miss. I’m guessing that we have not seen the last big return from him. He is such a welcomed surprise.
UtahMan changed their profile picture 9 years, 5 months ago
UtahMan became a registered member 9 years, 5 months ago