Brettski replied to the topic I need somewhere where I can post this, I can't take the insanity anymore in the forum Misc 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Brettski replied to the topic Current Transfer Portal – Leaving in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
I wonder what a good punter costs these days? 20-50K? Worth upending your life and moving somewhere new?
Brettski replied to the topic The Ute football program nees to be rebuilt. in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
One bad year does not make a coaching career.
Brettski replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
Wait wait wait wait wait.. You’re an adult? Wow, what a loser. haha
Go Utes
Brettski replied to the topic Honest question that I know I’m going to get murdered over in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
honestly if the shoe was on the other foot we’d say – dang thats unfortunate for byu but we’ll take it. Not get on some high horse non-stop justifying it as ‘textbook’ or whatever ish they are doing.
Or just maybe we’d be saying – dang we’re supposed to be a top 10 team right now and got lucky breaks to beat a team having an all time down…[Read more]
Brettski replied to the topic Honest question that I know I’m going to get murdered over in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
honestly if the shoe was on the other foot we’d say – dang thats unfortunate for byu but we’ll take it. Not get on some high horse non-stop justifying it as ‘textbook’ or whatever ish they are doing.
Or just maybe we’d be saying – dang we’re supposed to be a top 10 team right now and got lucky breaks to beat a team having an all time down year.
Brettski replied to the topic Let’s look at it this way… in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
I’m on the Wilson train until proven otherwise.
Brettski replied to the topic I just want to give Tony you all on here a ton of props in the forum Football 6 months ago
I’ll give you my take. As an adult I have respect for a lot of things at BYU and my wife’s family are all BYU grads and they are great people (outside of their unwillingness to ever bring up Utah football and I have to be kind enough to entertain their BYU discussions).
As an adult – I can be happy for the players and coaches when BYU does well…[Read more]
Brettski replied to the topic Best Food @ RES in the forum Football 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Thats what we’ve decided. Going to meet in Draper and grab something to eat before the game and head in on a full stomach.
Brettski started the topic Best Food @ RES in the forum Football 6 months, 3 weeks ago
I had a friend invite me to the game this week and am curious what folks like to do for food at the stadium. What do you recommend? I’d like to not miss too much of the game sitting in concession lines.
Brettski replied to the topic Seeing talk about FSU and Clemson being courted by the Big 12. in the forum Football 8 months, 1 week ago
I’d gladly take the best of the B12 and ACC
West: Utah, Colorado, AZ, ASU, Cal, Stanford, OK State, TCU, BYU (begrudgingly)
East: TTU, Baylor, Kansas, K State, WVU, Va Tech, Miami, Louisville, GTI’d be happy in a conf like this long-term.
Brettski replied to the topic Statue of Responsibility??? in the forum Misc 10 months, 1 week ago
I’m for whatever Pig Bus is against 🙂
Brettski replied to the topic Utah’s ‘swagger’ returns in the forum Football 11 months, 2 weeks ago
I think he meant the OL, WR & TE groups could tell you who the real #2 QB is.
Brettski replied to the topic Discussion Topic: Big 12 Foes in the forum Football 1 year, 2 months ago
I’ll take the bait:
1. Rivals: Everyone will hate us. It’s fine.
2. Back and forth: The conference won’t last long enough to have back and forth games :O
3. Frisky: Iowa State & UCF Twitter
4. Achilles heel: Sea Bass at the Truck Stop Diners -
Brettski replied to the topic Interesting video from Josh Pate in the forum Football 1 year, 2 months ago
I hate to say it, but I agree. I don’t see fans sticking around forever if things continue on the current path.
Brettski replied to the topic Smoke on Vaki… in the forum Football 1 year, 3 months ago
If this is the road we face each offseason consider me checked out.
Brettski replied to the topic Cam will not do show today in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
I think that’s what makes it sound disingenuous to so many fans. We were told so close and then told just kidding. For Cam’s sake he could have a future with the program after graduation if he doesn’t burn bridges so he needs to walk a fine line. Just my 2 cents.
Brettski replied to the topic What do we know about USC? in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
I have a hard time seeing the Utes pull it off on Saturday. Maybe 15% chance but hoping for the best. Nothing would be sweeter than sending off those punks with a 3rd straight L against the Utes.
Brettski replied to the topic Cam Rising is the GOAT and a U Icon in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
My GOAT is Weddle. Hands down.
Brettski replied to the topic QB RECRUITING in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
Wilson isn’t going on a mission as far as I know. Barnes will never enter the transfer portal IMO.
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