Utah @  Oklahoma State


  • I think the team knows the way he is leaning and it is 98% done. It is a big decision for a college kid and he may be watching draft news and keeping all his options open for while. Myself, I prefer that football players wait for the team’s season to end to make announcements.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Why not start Rose? in the forum Football 9 months, 1 week ago

    This is not a one or the other thing. Whitt can start Barnes to take a few drives. IF Rose is game ready with enough plays, he should/will come in. After several drives, if Barnes is the better QB that day, you can bring Barnes back later if needed. If we are winning let Rose finish up. There will be many other moving parts around them as lots of…[Read more]

  • The NCAA needs to be restrained for more than 2 weeks.

  • It would be nice, but I don’t think Harlan is opposed. Maybe the other Pac team had more money to make it happen since I think the going rate is 1/2M$ to get a team to come in. 7 home games has always been uncommon. I think that was part of the problem with scheduling USU. For years we traded home and home with neither paid. Moving into the Pac we…[Read more]

  • Bill Walton must have been right, he always spoke highly of him even though he did not start.

  • I do remember in Logan, in the 90s, RB Chris Ma’afala laying on the turf looking like he was riding a bike as fast as he could while a USU player had ahold of his junk. They actually noted he was not wearing a cup in the game write up. I also remember Jordan Winn taking a hit that I think ended a promising QB career. I also remember getting pulled…[Read more]

  • It is the stadium that back in the day… had open air urinals on the east side, but that was only because trees and bushes were closer than the small restrooms.

  • We should treat the USU game next year as an added home game. It is an easy road game and better than going south. However, Logan is not big so leave early.

  • USU has a number of transfers this year that may be a good team just themselves. They will be a different team this year. I wish we would return to playing them again. Back in the day we played home and home each year without being in the same conference. It was always a fun series.

  • Rising and Kuithe aside, I don’t think we have many key players taking advantage of the extra covid year. Without following other teams, I assume we are similar to others. Another factor may be uncertainty around the move to the Big 12 following two very good recruiting years provided by 2 rose bowls. Last years class will put pressure on guys in…[Read more]

  • Initially I was not concerned that recruiting in the Big 12 would be a change. I get that recruiting will take a dip from the last two years. However, my concern will grow if our recruits don’t have other offers from other power 4 conferences.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Rumors are… in the forum Football 9 months, 1 week ago

    Actually it would be a good thing. Better than the other instate schools we have been playing. Since we most often only play 1 P5 level OOC game, USU is better than the usual 2 and 3. I liked our USU games because they are easy to drive to and are affordable. Not a coach’s favorite because they have often been quite physical and get players beat…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Lowering expectations in the forum Football 9 months, 1 week ago

    A lot of good teams have more than one position that need to improve, getting down to one is not bad at all. USC and Colo have awesome WRs but have envy for our DL. Utah’s WRs need to improve but are not that far off. Still, being Utah’s featured receiver can get notice and can get drafted. I don’t expect the numbers to remain low as the QB…[Read more]

  • I am hoping that being one of the best teams in the Big 12 will be better than B1G and SEC bottom dwellers. A new playoff scheme will help.

  • When the OL has difficulty run blocking and pass protection there are several possible causes and only one is poor OL play. However, OL play is the first cited by fans. Many serviceable OLs can have zero drafted players, a mediocre OL likely fewer. Looking into other causes may provide some insight.

  • At some point I would think we would learn to wait and see what happens rather than be told what to expect. The one consistent thing I have seen from Whitt is he will play the best available player letting practice reps determine spots. And that assessment is later more than earlier. Barnes will accept a chance to be the bowl QB and likely may…[Read more]

  • For what it is worth… I recall Whitt saying they had 10 OL ready to play at the beginning of the year. I don’t know how far along ready to play is but I would think we should next have more than 5 ready plus development that can be done before fall. Coaches must have seen it coming with Fano and Lomu being top recruits last year. This year’s top…[Read more]

  • As we look for another QB, realize that every single place worth going to will have QB competition. If there is a walk right in situation it will be at the bottom of the barrel and right behind you will be another QB. I also think good QBs don’t mind competition. Exceptions would be incoming HCs that bring along their QB like is the case at MSU or…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic New CB Commit in the forum Football 9 months, 1 week ago

    I think one or two Big 12 teams will do fine. It will become critical to contend for the championship often, go to the playoffs often and be ranked often. Even more critical, send players to the NFL and have NIL to contend with the B1G and SEC. Not everyone in the Big 12 will suffer but most will. The key question is who is going to be the cream…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Replay BYU game in the forum Basketball (Men) 9 months, 1 week ago

    As it relates to recruiting, two PG options are here but not on the floor yet. Exacte is more of a combo guard but would improve ball handling. He is very close to returning from injury. Smith is an awesome PG. I think he would outplay most guards we play this year. I have no idea why the NCAA has such a problem with some second transfer athletes…[Read more]

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