Utah @  Oklahoma State


  • Charlie replied to the topic Rivalries in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Agree, come in from Estes Park, it is less than an hour. Come thru the park assuming you drive over.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Rose update in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    I was wondering the same thing but didn’t want to offend anyone. With our best basketball player and one of the QBs being Brandon it may become a thing but the NASCAR cheer is fading away. I heard it a couple of times at BB last year and people just laughed.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Rose update in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    At this point I don’t expect much to be said as QBs and coaches begin to look at their options. As options become clear choices will be made and then statements. I expect coaches will be the last to finish as they will always be open to improving the room. Enjoy the next 5 games, have some hope for a 6th, and winter will then provide a cast of…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Rivalries in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Happy to see the Colorado game earlier in the calendar away from Thanksgiving and nice to drive up over and thru the park to get there.

  • Goodness, I missed the first game, an expedition game with Westminster. Anyone go with something to tell us?

  • Of three possible opponents that are currently ranked, we only play OSU. Unless someone gets better we may only play a single ranked opponent? Arizona is the best chance for a second, maybe Colo? Hope this does not mean we are back to needing to be undefeated to be noticed.

  • Well, it looks like 9 conference games per year, we start with 5 road games. Sadly, all the other schools get a break from playing the Y but we don’t. We play only two Texas schools out of 4 per year. These have more value than playing the Y. Nice to see that we have only 2 east coast road games in 4 years. CU is 3 of 4 years with 2 on the road.…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Barnes film study in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    As I watched Oregon attack us it felt like they started with a script. So many times Nix threw quickly to a spot without a read. I think they studied our DB tendencies to identify quick open spots and simply expected them to be there. A negative of man coverage is in the initial seconds the DB defends both long and short routes leaving a loose…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Outcoached in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Whitt’s comments date back to Ron McBride, I believe. I have heard Ron McBride walk thru this model: When anything goes wrong, it starts first with the HC. If the HC has not discussed the specific risk and the specific solution with the assistant coaches it stops there and the HC owns the problem. If he has previously discussed it with the…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Whitt's presser in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    To continue to guess… I think after the injury we simply had to get ready for the season without Rose. I don’t know who ran the scout team for prep for the first few games. I think Rose started practice about the end of September which is about the time following the OSU game and the switch from NJ to Barnes. Possibly he still needed time and so…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Whitt's presser in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    My best guess relates to the bye week and at that point they believed Barnes gave the best chance to win. Barnes also got the start in the Florida game but without Rose as a possibility. The Cal game and USC game provided hope, not accounting for Vaki. Maybe we could have had the same results with Johnson or Rose in the game. The result with…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Whitt's presser in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Not sure I know what you are looking at. Other than the spring game I have not been able to get a read at all on Rose, certainly nothing that would get me on the road to a pig. I would be happy to see him in a game but half the opponents going forward would be a though way to start.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Bowl game in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Thank God

  • Charlie replied to the topic Jim Harding in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    I think they are a separate entity. Oregon’s Phil Knight or Utah’s Jon Huntsman were not developed by the university, they simply chose to support the school they loved and their success to do so was unrelated to university efforts. I am sure universities do things to welcome or attract donors but I can’t imagine the discussion in a conference…[Read more]

  • I am not sure Rose is not an acceptable part of a QB plan. He is healthy enough now to be killing it on the scout team and could benefit greatly by say getting a serious look in the spring. As for Wilson, do we know he is not at spring practice to learn if not play? There have been plenty of true freshmen QBs who have started college with less and…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Jim Harding in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    The ceiling is not Whitt or the University of Utah. The ceiling is current resources. As an example, Oregon moved from average to where they are today, not because of a HC hire, not because of their name or culture or whatever. They moved up because their resources increased drastically relative to others. Would you rather have Oregon’s HC or…[Read more]

  • Another way to look at it is the 2024 Big 12 is certain to send a team to the playoffs as opposed to the Pac 12 that has had great difficulty getting a team into the playoffs. Utah stacks up well in the 2024 Big 12

  • Charlie replied to the topic Jim Harding in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    The big picture: Every school in the country except 7 or 8 would love to switch HCs with us. Schools above us, schools ranked higher than us, would trade HCs with us. The thinking is man, with our resources Whitt would do so much better with top recruiting. Whitt is punching way above his resources support. Who with fewer resources does better?…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Jim Harding in the forum Football 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    As soon as an offense struggles, the OL will be viewed as poor. Same as soon as an offense is predictable. The OL depends greatly on scheme requiring the Defense and especially the DL to play both run and pass for one or two counts, pickup reads, then react. A single second or a single step means the world. Receivers don’t separate, most notice…[Read more]

  • Vaki saw much more daylight from Cal and USC, but Oregon is a much more disciplined defense. Oregon also had a big stout front that made all runs difficult. Vaki’s ad lib simply did not work with Oregon being very aware. On Barnes interception, Vaki made a move just as Barnes threw and the play had a negative impact on both. Playing both ways may…[Read more]

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