Utah @  Oklahoma State


  • Be careful changing plays because of what OSU shows because they often do not do what they show. Use quick options with TEs especially. Don’t use plays with deep handoffs and passes behind the line. Lean into the passing game instead of using the run to set up the pass. Nate should make them pay if they do not spy him. Throw long more often when 1…[Read more]

  • I played tennis at DLI every weekend I could in the mid 70s, did comp sci at MPC, and often ran motorcycles quick down the PCH on Sunday mornings to see the sunrise. Sad to see Ord gone.

  • While in the Army, I spend 3 years working at the Naval Postgraduate School. I also have a lot of affinity for both the Army and Navy. It was always mind boggling to me that when those ships and boats go out, the crew could fix almost anything that goes wrong considering the incredible amount of stat-of-the-art onboard. Those on subs are at the…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Oregon State in the forum Football 12 months ago

    Miami is right with the defensive strategy. Utah is capable of stopping their run game and if forced to pass OSU will be at disadvantage. Our defense is their concern. Utah needs to find a rhythm to keep the ball moving, the movement should be better than last week especially if it is a necessity. As Utah returns players to the field, issues…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic On a different note, # 83… in the forum Football 12 months ago

    Back in the day Luther was the favorite player for my twin boys. With access easy back then they have memories following practice and games with that very friendly guy. Deja vu for us.

  • I was here for Lovat and Howard, lean but pleasant years.

  • I think we are trying to make sense out of Utah’s current reality without knowing many of the brutal facts. Without seeing practice we don’t know how close if Cam game ready factor and how much it is improving every day. From the outside, it makes sense to me to slide him in when it is to Whitt and Lud’s satisfaction. They could been there already…[Read more]

  • Realize that if you let one team change a couple of outcomes the other team could as well. What if Utah did not fumble, what if a missed tackle let Utah score. Dropped passes are very visible game changers but many other things like penalties or big drive stops can have the same effect but don’t stand out as much.

  • It is pretty simple. Deion has a unique style to hype or motivate those around him. Kind of a ‘we are wonderful’ thing. Lanning had previously shown he is buthurt by Deion’s approach. Sadly, Oregon’s team was easily good enough that Lanning could have taken the high road, show nothing but respect and enjoy a lopsided win. Instead, Lanning was…[Read more]

  • Washington is playing good, they are my pick for the team Utah beats twice this year. (USC last year, Oregon the year before)

  • We have come a long way as a football program. No longer is a 7 point win against a ranked team acceptable. Game plans under any circumstances that do not include offensive fireworks are unacceptable. A good part of the fan base has developed football acumen beyond even some very successful coaches. Winning with defense is simply not entertaining…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic QB Question in the forum Football 12 months ago

    It may be best for Whitt to move the decision point each week to Tuesday instead of Thursday. The two days makes little difference to Rising but the two days make a big difference to the team prep. This in unique to the QB position.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Thoughts on the zebras in the forum Football 12 months ago

    Little league / HS rule: Hit only what you see, see what you hit. A mistake to learn from. Use a shoulder or lift your chin up. One thing lost in the chaos of the play.

  • Charlie replied to the topic We Can Still Win Without Cam in the forum Football 12 months ago

    Good grief, we are 3 and 0, two time defending champs, recruiting better than ever in our history, with so much to look forward to as guys come back. There are 8 ranked teams in our league but everyone wants Utah’s spot or wants to be more like Utah in several aspects. We encounter a massive number of injuries resulting in games being closer than…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Why did the line jump back up? in the forum Football 1 year ago

    I see and like what you did there…

  • Charlie replied to the topic Utah Schedule After Week 4 in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Super easy to figure out. Current reality in rankings always beats out past opinions with less information. Previous rankings are for those grasping for straws. That’s why the final rankings trump anything from earlier in the season. I also think wins over quality teams is more meaningful than simple wins. Undefeated reasoning is for SEC teams…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic QB reps in practice? in the forum Football 1 year ago

    I think practice will be complete Thursday. Friday may be walk-thru only but certainty too late to impact practice for the week.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Kyle says the med staff will… in the forum Football 1 year ago

    I am a bit surprised so many may not understand Onlyu’s comment about “being cleared and game ready is two different things”. Whitt can’t give us an answer because there are many other factors beyond being cleared that can be changing daily. Cam can be the best QB by a large margin as well as cleared but only equally capable to other QBs at a…[Read more]

  • Or Whitt is trying to heighten the competition. Then given recent QB turnover history I can understand angst about it all.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Paging OnlyU in the forum Football 1 year, 1 month ago

    The plan to replace Rising has been in action longer than a year as we were expecting him to leave after the ’22 season. This plan is much more developed than the one for the replacement of Brewer when Rising was much of an unknown. Now we have two capable options instead of the single option for a replacement for Brewer.

    Until we see Rising for…[Read more]

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