Charlie replied to the topic Bye week recruiting trips… in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
If a player is in the portal, they are not at their school’s game. If they are not in the portal, they cannot be contacted. I would like to see some reaching to get some very good recruits to visit. It would seem Utah has a lot to offer. Lots of seniors moving to the NFL, program performing at a high level, very stable coaching and willingness…[Read more]
Charlie replied to the topic Remember 2015. in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
A bye, 5th, 9th and 12th place teams to go. An easier finish and a better team than 2015.
Charlie replied to the topic Utah's Elite Defense in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
I really don’t think one thing improves a football team much; it is the interaction of many things in chain reaction. The offense is better, giving the defense more rest, making teams play from behind, resulting in the defense getting better, giving back the offense the opportunity to play with a lead and so on. Two things stand out. L…[Read more]
Charlie replied to the topic Herm's press conference from today in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
First, an apology that starts off with ‘it’s always the second guy that get’s caught’ is not an apology at all. It is an attempt to blame both teams. I do not believe Herm has apologized yet. Next, the play on Enis was not something that happened in the course of a game. The player is coached to retreat to a point to make a block consistent to…[Read more]
Charlie replied to the topic Personally I think you let Huntley sit Cal out. in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
Why not give Cal a dose of Lisk and Shelley to see which gives them the most problem. Huntley should only be used if needed and for only as much as is needed. Possibly not much will be required by the Offense.
Charlie replied to the topic Bam in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
I agree. We may need him for the Washington game and a game like that should not be his first. If he does well this week we still have him for Washington, CCG, and the bowl game. If he needs another game to settle in, there is Az and Colo. I do not expect him to need more that two games to be up to speed. If he had 2 to play 2 he would be…[Read more]
Charlie replied to the topic There’s a handful of Herm Edwards d**k suckers on this board in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
Herm can’t have it both ways. Either he is a HC that is not in control, has no idea what his assistant coaches are doing and is not doing his job OR he is responsible for dirty culture. Counting the hits on Huntley, Moss, and Enis it is quite unlikely they are all on-off, accidental, missteps by players that drifted outside the lines they are…[Read more]
Charlie replied to the topic Does anyone have a clip of the targeting that was hit on in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
There are many targeting calls to debate, this clearly is not one of them. If it was us we would gasp and wonder how we let that happen.
Charlie replied to the topic I do have to respect Herm for… in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
I don’t expect players to use strategies against a gunner that don’t come from his coach. I don’t expect special team coaches to use strategies that have never been reviewed by the HC. I don’t expect everything said by an opposing HC to be heartfelt. I do expect players to play in a style that is an extension of their coach’s mindset. There…[Read more]
Charlie replied to the topic Im done with this o line in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
Charlie replied to the topic So who do we blame for the special teams decline? in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
No worries, just drifting toward average due to starting over with both kickers, losing the PR guy and not doing much kickoff return. Coverage on kicks could be tightened down but not giving up big plays.
Charlie replied to the topic Thoughts on using Bam in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
Actually, I think you are pretty close. Whitt will play him in 4 games and he will push thru the start up and change up issues. Only a serious issue will make him deviate from his plan. Like Boles, there may be some transition issues but I expect fewer from Bam. Whitt clearly has a plan for him and he will be a featured lineman next year.…[Read more]
Charlie replied to the topic Updated Weather Utes at Beavs in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
I didn’t see the concern for rain. Weatherbug has been calling for no rain for a while.
Charlie replied to the topic Ute Hoops was my first love in the forum Basketball (Men) 5 years, 4 months ago
The Einar Nielsen Fieldhouse was the utes home before 1969, my memories there were mostly the HS basketball state championships. Crazy raised stage court with chainlink fencing behind the baskets where anyone could stand.
Lived out of town and wished I had ute memories there. In the 70s the SEC was often full, students waited in line for hours…[Read more] -
Charlie replied to the topic Why not “open” the playbook & iron out the kinks before facing formidable teams? in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
The USC game was not awful for me. We had a handful of plays go wrong to turn the game. We played a very different QB we did not game plan for. Blackmon took a bad angle on a play that gave up a TD, likely doesn’t occur at all with the QB style we prepared for. Moss in our game plan would make a great difference. The two bad breaks inside the…[Read more]
Charlie replied to the topic I’m glad Zach Wilson is not a Ute in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
Brighton High School a couple years ago comes to mind when thinking what can go wrong when helicopter parents get involved with football.
Charlie replied to the topic Whitt speaks out on Moss and Covey in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
I like using all the RBs with Moss as the #1. It takes wear and tear off of him. Also, you never know what style a defense will struggle with until you try it. It adds complexity to defensive plans.
Charlie replied to the topic is there anything to make from Utah not kneeling on that last possession? in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
I don’t recall, was the down the same and the clock the same, and timeouts? I was thinking it was close but I think we could have made it work.
Charlie replied to the topic Jason Shelley in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
You hit on the reason. With Shelley in for a couple of plays forces other teams to account for him. He is different than Huntley so now there is that to think about. If they neglect that prep they risk Shelley having success and Utah going that way until he is stopped. It takes time pre snap to notice.
Other benefits, if Huntley goes out,…[Read more]
Charlie replied to the topic Is UW a must win to win the South? If not, will USC drop 2 more? What about ASU? in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
I think we can get one of the two, Orgon or Washington. We need to get the others, have a good chance but have an uphill climb. USC and ASU have their challenges as well. There is not a dominate team in the south, it will be taken by the one that get a big win or two. WSU can do us a favor and get ASU in two weeks before they come to SLC.
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