Utah @  Oklahoma State


  • Unbelievable tonight. In ’78 I was in grad school at the UofA and watched my school beat UCLA in Tucson. At the time never expected to see my school beat UCLA, ever. Sitting in the student section in the McKale Center I was in awe. Almost 50 years later I was sitting in the Hunty watching my school go up 50 on UCLA. UCLA is not a good team this…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Saban retires in the forum Football 8 months, 1 week ago

    The recent changes so far have been stressful. The two big changes next year are still unknowns but very likely to be pleasant for Utah. The expanded playoffs and the move to an easier conference just may make for a best year yet. Utah has a chance to win the Big 12 and if not also have a good chance to push the Big 12 runner up into the playoffs.…[Read more]

  • I also follow UofA. They overachieved this last year and that was great. I am not there yet that they have the ball rolling near as well as Utah. UofA will do well in the Big 12 but they are not at the point at all to expect to win at Utah. We will benefit from their rise to help us in ranking.

  • I agree. The loss of a TE that was physical to block and a receiver threat was a blow to the Offense. King became the receiver threat but is light to be effective running behind.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Where's Mikey? in the forum Football 8 months, 2 weeks ago

    Didn’t we just recently see an article that placed Utah ahead of Cal on the list of public Universities? Either way much of cali is becoming an open air asylum, just don’t know how much has made it to Berkeley.

  • I don’t think a portal QB comes here because he wants to challenge Rising. They would come because the transfer options for very likely starters are few and are gone. Lots of portal QBs will simply need to go to teams with good QBs in the room. Some may view an opportunity if QB1, God forbid, is injured or some have more than 1 year of…[Read more]

  • If you apply a weighted average thing for impact the QB position will drive more impact by far than any other position, maybe as much as the bottom two combined.

  • Change is better when coming from a desire to improve. Change does not do as well when coming from failure of the status quo. It has been some time since college football listened to their customers rather than simply enjoying runaway growth despite missteps.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Ben Carlson in the forum Basketball (Men) 8 months, 2 weeks ago

    I think the item that favors Ben Carlson is as a bench player we simply do not depend on him much and he is serviceable in that role. Battin on the other hand we remember as a starter that we depended on more so. Could the same athlete disappoint as a starter but be more serviceable as a bench player? Ben is less noticed, good or bad, in the…[Read more]

  • ASU is up and down, we caught them on a day playing well enough to beat anyone not UofA at home. There will be many teams beat teams that finish above them in the final standings at home. I hope this turns out to be one of those.

  • Well I think classes start tomorrow. I am more than happy for him to skip the sideline of the game and get moved to SLC to get into prep for spring practice. Much better than arrival later.

  • Goodness, the conference schedule just started. Some might not realize how good UofA is. Because Stanford beat them in Palo Alto, how I don’t know, you might think they are human. UofA lost to Purdue, another top 10 team on the road and FAU, another ranked team in Vegas. They likely will not lose at home and will dance with a high seed. ASU will…[Read more]

  • I can wait and see. I have watched UofA several times and they played very well tonight. They will be a top 10 team all year. The other teams will have difficulty getting a road win in Az. Assuming Kata will be ok there is no reason yet that they can finish top 4 or 5 yet.

    We need to put Exacte on a milk carton and find him. Teat might be coming…[Read more]

  • I think the biggest problem last year was QB. We did not have play a QB that could view multiple options, make a quick decision and throw a catchable pass… well.

    Next, receivers need to gain separation better. Becoming open is not enough, the route has a window to view. Open later has diminished usefulness. Continuing to stay open beyond the…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Potential 2024 2-deep in the forum Football 8 months, 2 weeks ago

    Over the years I have noted Whitt’s interest move from having a good answer for starters to added focus on being two deep everywhere and beyond with players that can play without drop-off.

  • Charlie replied to the topic ute basketball in the forum Basketball (Men) 8 months, 2 weeks ago

    I think Utah still hurts from having so little momentum from recent previous years. Next, no momentum from notable transfers or recruits. BB polls seem to be heavy in expectations early in the season and respond slowly compared to FB. Because of the number of BB games a big win in BB is not like a big win in FB. Preseason BB schedules generally…[Read more]

  • I think Smith is at the point we can expect new players each year to be in the rotation or start. Johnson could be a rotation player. Chandler is a huge wild card. Hopefully, coming off his mission and with NIL in play he could return to Utah. I think how Utah and BYU does this year can have a big effect and Utah just may have the better year. I…[Read more]

  • Charlie replied to the topic Potential 2024 2-deep in the forum Football 8 months, 2 weeks ago

    I think McClain will play as much as other WRs.
    Yes, Lomu will work his way into the OL.
    Pittman just may have a whole season and surprise.
    Center, I am not sure this is figured out but it will be a priority.
    King may play as much as any TE.
    DE, Fano will be back to playing as much as any DE.
    Pepa may surprise and demand equal time.
    Johnson will…[Read more]

  • I’ll take that bet. But I am betting with you. I think Wilson will do well and I expect we will enjoy Rising’s last year.

  • Charlie replied to the topic Bowl Game Perspective in the forum Football 8 months, 3 weeks ago

    Actually, we do need a portal QB. You need extra QBs in practice. It is not always offense vs defense in practice. A QB may be working with the RBs and line, a QB is working with the receivers, a QB is working with the scout team getting the opponent offense down, QB1 could be offline with the OC, and none of this stops while a QB resting an…[Read more]

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