Utah @  Oklahoma State

Charlie Foxtrot

  • Helmet to the lower rib cage, could be a lot of bad things. Lacerated liver, broken rib/ribs, lacerated kidney. I hope it’s nothing too serious.

  • At this point they probably don’t care. Without the national distribution that the network needed to be successful, the advertisers are probably happy that their commercials are getting outside of the network footprint via hacks.

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Go CSU!! in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Uhh, yeah not cool.

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Go CSU!! in the forum Football 1 year ago

    I kinda feel bad for the Colorado students/fans since they haven’t had anything to cheer about for many years. On the other hand, the hype in Boulder has gotten a little out of control over the past few weeks as well. I’m not going to shed too many tears if CSU pulls out a win.

  • I haven’t had a chance to watch Colorado until tonight. They look dangerous in that they have very explosive skill players, but their lines look a little undersized. It will be interesting to see how the next few weeks go against Oregon and USC.

    The Air Raid offense is all the rage these days, but it seems vulnerable to stout defenses and teams…[Read more]

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Big 12 = wooph in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Not conference specific, but several top 25 teams didn’t look great today. Florida State barely had enough to outlast Boston College and Georgia didn’t look overly impressive against South Carolina. Tennessee is currently getting hammered by Florida in the swamp and Penn State got 5 takeaways from Illinois and somehow only ended up with 30…[Read more]

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Did McClain get injured in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Yeah, his foot got rolled up on under the defender that tackled him. He didn’t exit the field very quickly and looked like he was deliberate in his steps. Hopefully it’s nothing serious.

  • I wonder how many of the hold outs today could have played but didn’t trying to get as healthy as possible for UCLA? Place kicking and kickoffs are going to be interesting for the next several weeks. I also wonder how much of the playbook is open on offense with Nate running things? I feel he has the most upside and probably our greatest…[Read more]

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Unis this week in the forum Football 1 year ago

    I would hope so. The Big 12 is going to rebrand for 2024 so it would be nice to get some new unis to go along with a new conference.

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Unis this week in the forum Football 1 year ago

    That’s pretty cool to give both Spencer and Logan Fano the uni pictures for the week.

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Playcalling in the forum Football 1 year ago

    The QB musical chairs game was not working at all against the Baylor defense. It’s hard to know if if the play calling was bad or the execution, or lack there of was the problem? Barnes was just not decisive in anything he was doing, moving in/out of the pocket or throwing the ball. It was mentioned in another thread where the QB (I think it…[Read more]

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Texas at Alabama in the forum Football 1 year ago

    5 TD’s scored in the last 7 min (3 by Texas and 2 by Alabama). What a crazy 4th quarter.

  • Colorado obviously has plenty of talent at the skill level positions. With new schemes and coordinators I think attrition via injury is probably going to be the biggest factor in their win/loss total.

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Ja'Quinden Jackson in the forum Football 1 year ago

    There were parts of that game where JJ (aided by the O line) was the only offense Utah could muster. If nothing else he was keeping the D off of the field for a few fist downs.

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Please, no more Barnes. in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Yeah, Barnes did not do well with the stunts and defenders in his face. He was always half a step slow and holding on to the ball too long. Also, Glover didn’t hold his blocks for Barnes long enough on a few plays, but I’m not a coach so that could have been on Barnes not getting the ball out quick enough? Nate looked much sharper when he was…[Read more]

  • Yep, the more experience we have in the 2 and 3 deep the better as the season wears on.

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Win is a win is a win in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Hard to complain about a win on the road. Hopefully it helps with our future performance in conference road games.

  • Cam had to be given a chance to play to earn Whitt’s trust. How is it any different with any other QB? I don’t care if Barnes makes less mistakes in practice, Nate clearly has abilities that Barnes does not. I would rather loose while giving Nate experience and allowing him to grow mistakes and all, than watch another 3 quarters of what our…[Read more]

  • It will be interesting to see how things shake out once they have a few games of film on Colorado’s offense. If nothing else, I think game one shows that Colorado is dangerous and you had better take them seriously.

  • Charlie Foxtrot replied to the topic Barnes in the forum Football 1 year ago

    Well, I am crossing my fingers and hoping that Barnes makes me eat every single negative thing I have ever said about him in the past. If he shows up and leads us to victory I will gladly eat crow. On the other hand, if for some reason the offense bogs down under Barnes, I don’t really see any downside to giving some meaningful playing time to Johnson.

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