chinngiskhaan replied to the topic my grades for the game in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
I appreciate the apology.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Vimahi injury in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic my grades for the game in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
Right… but my grades were primarily based on what I WANTED TO SEE from that game, NOT in game performance. I made that clear in my post. You are correct. This game tells us nothing about our team other than revealing that Cam is still good, but not as mobile as he once was. Kuithe is closer to 100% than Cam (in my estimation).
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic my grades for the game in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
To a poster who said I should delete my account you replied “I thought the same thing.” That doesn’t sound like respectful debate to me. Am I misinterpreting your comment? If you were specifically referring to the other part of his post, that would indicate that you, like that poster, clearly did not take the time to actually understand what I…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic my grades for the game in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
No, “we” aren’t grading injuries. In the first sentence of my post I CLEARLY stated that my grades were based on my hopes for the game from another post. In that post I made it clear that the only thing I wanted was no key injuries.
This isn’t hard guys. At least it shouldn’t be. Its just reading entire posts and thinking them through BEFORE…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic my grades for the game in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
or maybe you could learn to read without jumping to conclusions? Yeah, that would probably be good.
I made it very clear that my grades had little to do with actual performance. In the thread about what we wanted from this game, I made it clear what I wanted was no injuries, ESPECIALLY at CB. In this post, I made it clear that I wasn’t blaming…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Just My Thoughts… in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
My thoughts – don’t read too much into them, they are just random thoughts.
1. Kenan’s injury is really sad. I’m more sad for him than the team. That being said, how did we not get a veteran to come in and be CB 3? I hope that is an indication of how they feel about the rest of the group (IE, they didn’t need another guy), but the fact that…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan started the topic my grades for the game in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
given my hopes for this game which I detailed in another post, here are my grades for the game.
QB, A-: Cam did good. He’s clearly not 100% with his running ability, but he did good. Should have had 1 pick. Missed on one or two throws that I saw. Wilson has potential but he needs to take what is given to him.
RB, Incomplete: I don’t feel like…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Any word on the injury? in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
Vimahi was clearly walking around after the injury. That doesn’t mean he isn’t out for the season, but it sure didn’t seem that serious. Certainly not as bad as Johnson’s injury. Mitchell walked off the field on his own.
What game are you watching?
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Signup Issues for Hulu Live TV? in the forum Misc 6 months, 1 week ago
Took me 5 minutes to sign up for ESPN+ and pull up the game on the app on my tv. Not rocket science fellas. Google it.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Gut Feeling in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
And? I do not disagree with anything you just said. I was simply pointing out potential weaknesses. I’m not worried. I’m not predicting anything. Just making an observation based on OP’s comment.
You can go ahead and un-wad your panties now.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Gut Feeling in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
You better knock on wood!
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Gut Feeling in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
I’m not worried. I’m not invested enough to be worried. I’m just saying there are POTENTIAL weaknesses on this team, given a few very possible if not likely scenarios.
I think we are going to have a great year, I was just pointing out possible weak points on this team.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Gut Feeling in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Safety, CB, rb, and qb all have the potential to ruin the season.
CB- we should be fine unless we have an injury then we are in a dangerous position. If two go down we are in big trouble.
QB- same as CB, we should be good unless Cam gets hurt, if Wilson gets hurt after him we are in a bad spot.
rb- we may not have anyone capable of getting a…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Funny video unless you like Florida State in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
That last one, so good!
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic What are you hoping for on Thursday for Offense, Defense, Special Teams? in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
– No injuries
– success on short yardage, obvious running downs
– A set where every player eligible to touch the ball (other than Cam) is a tight end.
– Glover gets 15+ carries and doesn’t go down on first contact on any of them.
– If not Glover, then any other running back breaking multiple tackles on one run.Defense
– No injuries…[
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Two game time pet peeves. in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
My grandparents used to take me to TSPP games every week. For basketball games we were always there before the scoreboard was turned on. The only time I’ve been less than 30 minutes early to any sporting event is if I had a previous event that was more important.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Why did Whitt move away from the spread offense? in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Our re recruiting pool has always lent itself to the type of offensive system we run now. Good running backs, good tight ends, great defense. The spread made things harder on our defense. He made the right choice. With a good qb, this style of offense is very successful.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic The Athletic predicts the playoff teams in the forum Football 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Scheduling tough is and always has been a bad idea if the goal is the best postseason placement possible. Just win football games. That is all that matters.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic What do you want to see in the SUU game? in the forum Football 7 months ago
I would love to see Glover running up the gut, breaking tackles and carrying guys on his back for extra yards… I know, I know. A man can dream.
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