chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Who is your biggest recruiting miss in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
woops, don’t know how I screwed that one up so bad. Haha. Thanks for setting me straight.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Who is your biggest recruiting miss in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
I would say the combination of Tuttle and Darren Jones. They were both 4 star recruits. Turns out, both of them benefited massively from playing with Chris Olave.
We all know what happened with Tuttle, but Jones never even made it to the UofU because of grades, went to Snow, and never made it there either.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Who is your biggest recruiting miss in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
Brekkot was a super frustrating situation. All he had to do was work on his shot and put on weight, and it was obvious that he wasn’t trying at all. So bizarre.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Let's Ride in the forum NFL 1 year, 5 months ago
BWAHAHAHAHAHA… He’s getting paid that much money to be that bad? That is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a loooong time. It’s always fun when the Broncos, 9ers, or raiders struggle.
I agree about our team though. People are acting like our program is falling apart and Whitt is the shady puppet master behind the collapse. We still have a good…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic No “Conversation with Cam” this week in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
Persecuted? Give me a break. One or two guys said he was wrong. Other guys get called out far worse for far far far far less. I’m sure OnlyU is just fine. They Always seemed like a level-headed individual, I highly doubt they are offended because a couple of internet warriors correctly pointed out that he was wrong. IIRC he even admitted he was…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Whitt Interview with The Athletic in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
I mean, it’s so hard to remember his name, it’s not like the band is named after him or anything.
(I know his name, I didn’t mean to be cavalier about his death btw).
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Whitt Interview with The Athletic in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
Yes, I think it is probably easier for him to deal with now than it was for the first few years for… reasons…
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Whitt Interview with The Athletic in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
He’s simplifying his own personal view more than he probably would if he actually wanted to be there talking to that person.
For example, He gets sentimental about people all the time. Ty and ALowe are a perfect example of that. He was clearly sad when Ric Ocasek, and the Van Halen guy passed away. He gets sentimental. He just doesn’t let it get…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Whitt Interview with The Athletic in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
I can say that that I have personally heard Whitt say, on more than one occasion, that fans are his least favorite part of college football. He doesn’t care what we think. He knows that fans keep it all going, and it wouldn’t exist without them, but he HATES that he has to deal with all things related to fans. Interviews, events, any other sort of…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Sounds like Randle is getting some reps in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
Unless Glover is unbelievably durable, he is going to get hurt eventually. Might not be a bad injury, but he will almost certainly miss some time. Seems like almost all starting running backs get hurt at some point every year.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic PAC 12 preseason rankings in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 year, 5 months ago
I like the guys we have on the team. I have no clue if they will play well together.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Now Chris Curry is out for the season. in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
I’ll suit up if I get me some NIL moneys and a sweet new truck!
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic “We were expecting we’d be set” in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
It isn’t necessary or appropriate to speculate about why Cam and/or people in his camp misled Whitt and Co. It may have been a money thing, wishful thinking on Cam’s part, Cam simply misinterpreting the things the Dr. was saying, or Cam just wanting it to be true because he wanted to be there for his teammates. I don’t think we need to make Cam…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic Transfer Portal QB in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
We’ve had a good offense two or three years in a row now. Our offense has been good with Rising at the helm, it was good with Huntley. If we have a good qb, we have a good offense. Any non-idiot qb transfer could see that easily.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic The weirdest part of seeing NJ play in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
That seems correct. I want to see him just go balls-out for a game and see what happens. If he gets hurt, he gets hurt. Our offense can’t be worse than it is was last week.
chinngiskhaan started the topic The weirdest part of seeing NJ play in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
hasn’t been his subpar QB play. He did enough throwing the ball for us to win our last game (the passes were just dropped). The weirdest part is that he is somehow no better than Huntley, Rising, or Barnes at running the football. He is clearly capable of so much more running the football, but he insists on not taking off and running like he…[Read more]
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic What has happened is now past history. How do we move on? in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
I’ll address your response point by point.
1. I agree that he has enough gas in the tank, that didn’t factor into my reasoning and I said as much.
2. I don’t think Whitt’s career could be derailed by anything short of a massive scandal, and that isn’t happening.
3. I absolutely think Scalley can handle the quirks of being the coach of the UofU,…[Read more] -
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic What has happened is now past history. How do we move on? in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
I think you mean overestimated, not underestimated. Under would imply they are better than he thought.
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic What has happened is now past history. How do we move on? in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
How does hanging onto him longer help the program long term?
chinngiskhaan replied to the topic LA doctor in the forum Football 1 year, 5 months ago
It’s all coming together Miami Ute.
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