cj13 started the topic USC and UCLA in the forum Pac-12 2 years, 4 months ago
Maybe I don’t know the numbers entirely but could the PAC give USC and UCLA a larger share of the pot for the next TV deal? I read something that USC and UCLA bring in 30% of the PACs value. If we give most of that to the 2 schools then everybody wins.
cj13 started the topic Kamo’i Latu in the forum Football 2 years, 4 months ago
It’s too bad Latu didn’t stick around with the Utes. He’s the third highest tackler on Wisconsin and has a couple interceptions and a sack. He played well for us last year and you would think he would’ve gotten more playing time this year. Can’t keep them all I guess.
cj13 started the topic Which scenario would you prefer for the Utes? in the forum Football 2 years, 4 months ago
Would you rather see the Utes finish 11-2 with a win at the Cotton Bowl if it means we miss the Pac 12 Championship game (Oregon vs UCLA), or would you rather have a guaranteed appearance the Pac 12 Championship Game (no guarantees thereafter)?
cj13 started the topic Jason Shelly with a nice TD run in the forum Football 2 years, 6 months ago
Missouri State handling Arkansas right now https://mobile.twitter.com/ddocket/status/1571289171435601920
cj13 started the topic Alfonso Plummer with game winning free throws in the forum Basketball (Men) 2 years, 12 months ago
Good for Plummer. He also had two threes to bring Illinois back into the game.
cj13 started the topic Mel Tucker to MSU in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
Looks like Mel Tucker is gone. Scratch Colorado off the potential Pac-12 south champs for next year (weren’t really in it anyways).
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/28684011/source-colorado-mel-tucker-expected-become-michigan-state-head-coach%3fplatform=amp -
cj13 started the topic Why does everybody hate Pace? in the forum Misc 5 years, 1 month ago
I see more comments bagging on Pace than from the actual dude. From the comments I have seen he just seems like a more realistic guy but I don’t understand why that pisses people off. I’ve only been around for a few months, so does he have a worse history?
cj13's profile was updated 5 years, 2 months ago
cj13 started the topic This team was a facade in the forum Football 5 years, 2 months ago
Utah can not beat anybody who gets killer recruits and athletes even if that team sucks. They didn’t beat anybody who was a good team this year and am wondering if we would’ve been bowl eligible in the SEC. Do you guys think we were a paper a tiger or a facade? Or do you just think the Utes didn’t show up in the last couple games and they were…[Read more]
cj13 became a registered member 5 years, 2 months ago