concerned replied to the topic As a BYU fan, I HATE the Alex Jensen hire in the forum Basketball (Men) 2 weeks, 5 days ago
If you dont see the difference I cant explain it. Seems pretty obvious to me. He removed his name four years ago becasue he want going to be offered the job. It wasnt his to turn down. Now it is and the timing has a lot to do with Young, IMHO.
concerned replied to the topic As a BYU fan, I HATE the Alex Jensen hire in the forum Basketball (Men) 2 weeks, 6 days ago
We didn’t offer him the job 4 years ago. After Young arrived, we did.
concerned replied to the topic As a BYU fan, I HATE the Alex Jensen hire in the forum Basketball (Men) 2 weeks, 6 days ago
I wonder if C. Smith would have been Fired if the Y had not hired Kevin Young. You get an NBA guy and a big bump in NIL, we get an NBA guy withe hopefully some bump in NIL. Seems like a direct response to me.
concerned replied to the topic Huntsman Center in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month, 1 week ago
The admin has said for a while the long range plan is to build a new arena downtown, smaller 10-12K. Apparently too expensive to renovate the Huntsman Center and the U wants the land for other uses. Dont know how the curent budget deficit affects that.
p.s. yes, I agree that off campus arenas are not ideal (look at Georgetown) but dont shoot…[Read more]
concerned replied to the topic Seriously in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month, 1 week ago
I wonder if his 22 shot attempts had anything to do with the fact that he (and his brother) transferred from Cincy. Maybe he was trying to prove something.
concerned replied to the topic Utah Basketball in the BIG12 in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Not to me. last year we had two players who were better than any player we have this year–Carlson and D. Smith.
concerned replied to the topic Inconsistent lineups in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I hadnt thought about this until just now, but the fact that that athletic dept. just announced a $17 million deficit due to Pac 12 Comcast settlement and the lesser revenue in the Big Xii may be a big factor.
concerned replied to the topic Inconsistent lineups in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month, 2 weeks ago
You might be right, but finishing .500 in your fourth year and never having been to the tournament and never having recruited a good player is pretty daming. The decision cant be based just on the team’s record this year, it has to be based on what the future looks like, and that is not good. There is no reason to think we will be better in the…[Read more]
concerned replied to the topic Inconsistent lineups in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I thought Keller played pretty well last night. He is getting better. Much better with the ball than Lovering. At least he can dribble and move to the basket.
I agree about Craig. I dont see how you can bring him back next year. There is no reason to think the team will be better next year than this; probably worse. Season ticket renewals…[Read more]
concerned replied to the topic If we lose to Colorado at home, I may need to take a break… in the forum Basketball (Men) 1 month, 2 weeks ago
for the past couple of years, the women’s team has been much better 3-point shooters than the men’s.
concerned replied to the topic Alta Parking pass tomorrow in the forum Misc 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Its going to take 3 hours to get up the canyon tomorrow and then worry about avalanches blocking the route back down.
concerned replied to the topic Alta Parking pass tomorrow in the forum Misc 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Also Fridays. It is a godsend
concerned replied to the topic Huntsman Center in the forum Basketball (Men) 2 months, 2 weeks ago
The long range plan/hope is to build a smaller arena downtown that seats 10-12,000. Huntsman too and expensive to renovate and the U wants the land for other uses, likely housing.
concerned replied to the topic Status of Utah football in the forum Football 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Truer words were never spoken.
concerned replied to the topic WP Commit in the forum Football 3 months ago
how much will we miss Calhoun?
concerned replied to the topic Mikey Matthews in the forum Football 3 months ago
On the other hand, I will bet he is damn glad he wasn’t part of our crap fest this year
concerned replied to the topic Nate Johnson in the forum Football 3 months, 1 week ago
I assume his skill set is better suited to Beck’s offense than Ludwig’s, so maybe he could be back up qb if needed.
concerned replied to the topic Regarding the Portal, It Could Always be Worse in the forum Football 3 months, 1 week ago
Yes. It is so transfers can enroll for spring semester
concerned replied to the topic Wilson officially to portal in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago
I am pretty sure I have heard the same things. The difference in the way the team resonded to Bollatari and Wilson on the sidelines tells you everything.
concerned replied to the topic Rose 🌹 potential injury in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
I think Whit shut it down after Rose threw the intgerception and Kuithe got injured.
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