2008 National Champ
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Hope this game was a spark to get our program back on track in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
I wasn’t disagreeing
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Proof the Big 12 sucks and how the new P12 might not now be worse: in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
They do the first weekend. At least until their bracket gets blown up. Imagine that, an entire sport whose real draw has nothing to do with the sport but whether or not choosing mascot over team colors is a winning strategy.
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Proof the Big 12 sucks and how the new P12 might not now be worse: in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
It depends on whether you’re trying to crown a national champion for an individual year or figure out who the best team is.
The NFL proves almost yearly that the team with the best record is not a shoe-in to win the Super Bowl. Wild card teams have won and have as good a chance at getting hot for a couple of weeks as anyone else.
As for the…[Read more]
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Whittingham = Utah's WEAK link in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
so we shouldn’t run the ball? except when we should run the ball? or should we have done the opposite of whatever didn’t work on the last play?
2008 National Champ replied to the topic My Thoughts on the Game and Other Things in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
Can I sign up for a “best of the west” conference now? 12 teams, 11 game round robin, top 4 teams play off for the title. Season is over before Xmas and I don’t have to pretend to care whether Duke could beat Tulane in a neutral site matchup.
WSU and OSU still own the Pac12Network assets. Don’t overprice the streaming subscriptions and be a…[Read more]
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Did Whitt sit on that halftime lead? in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
Should we be surprised with the bad outcomes of these plays when the personnel involved have little to no game reps?
no comment. just felt that needed to be highlighted
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Did Whitt sit on that halftime lead? in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
He wasn’t as crisp in the 2nd half and Hill did a good job of giving him different looks. To me, the bigger problem on that play was you had a receiver who hadn’t gotten any targets this year and a QB in his first full game. That’s probably a play that Rising/Kuithe or Kincaid make in their sleep.
Watching it again, the better option would…[Read more]
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Proof the Big 12 sucks and how the new P12 might not now be worse: in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
are you referring to the parochial school’s 2020 football schedule?
i kid, i kid 🙂
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Out coached and out reffed in that final again in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
you couldn’t see that hold clearly from the camera angle they showed from the top of the opposite side of the stadium? I’m shocked!
That broadcast was P12Network level bad. Surely that would get 12 different replays from 7 different angles in an SEC game. I mean, it’s not like it was a turning point in the game or anything.
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Whittingham = Utah's WEAK link in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
You aren’t thinking like a Utah offensive coach. As soon as something works, you have to save it until the next game. Can’t take the chance of it working again because if it keeps working, the other team might try to stop it. Better off trying something completely different that hasn’t worked yet
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Did Whitt sit on that halftime lead? in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
I’m not sure how you think that Int doesn’t turn into a catch if the receiver runs the route the QB thinks he is going to? Looked like a good touch pass to me with plenty of room for King to settle in the zone and make a play. Instead, King turns to the sideline and never even looks for the ball.
The pick is at…[Read more]
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Whittingham = Utah's WEAK link in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
Ute Dub replied to the topic We strayed from the K-Whitt formula in 2017 and went 7-6 in the forum Football 14 days ago
Why aren’t we running the ball this year?
Profile picture of Ute Dub
Ute Dub replied to the topic Houston ran the ball 50 times and had 13 pass plays. in the forum Football 15 days agoYeah. So why didn’t we run the…[Read more]
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Luckiest teams in America in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
At least there were a couple of people who took the free money being offered with that +3 line
2008 National Champ replied to the topic I just don't care anymore. in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
that’s the question I want answered. the 2nd would be how he/she managed to get tickets. the third would be what his/her username is on the parochial school fan boards.
Otherwise, story checks out 🙂
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Whittingham = Utah's WEAK link in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
wait a minute. haven’t you spent the last two weeks on every thread telling us that Utah HAS to run the ball?
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Turtle mode lost us the game in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
The failure to get a first down either time the defense gave you the ball at midfield in the 4th quarter. That was where the game was lost. So damn worried about running time off the clock that you won’t go with any kind of tempo and take advantage of the momentum shift(s).
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Hope this game was a spark to get our program back on track in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
How good next year’s offense will depend entirely on the Head Coach’s vision. If it’s Whitt in charge, I have no confidence that he will do anything different than he has for the last 20 years. Heck, it wouldn’t be out of his nature to throw a boatload of money at ARod since apparently recycling OC’s is his new jam.
2008 National Champ replied to the topic I just don't care anymore. in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
I’m not sure I agree. There’s around 100 schools that think they should get into the 40-48 team P2. Now’s the time to decide what you want your future to be in college football.
For me, I’d rather see Utah get back to regional competition than some bastardized semi-pro league dictated by two television networks. I worked too hard for my money…[Read more]
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Turtle mode lost us the game in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
That’s really the key isn’t it? If somehow they win 2 of the next 3, no changes will be made. It’ll get blamed on injury luck, January through August we’ll be told how talented and deep the team is, and then have to sit through another groundhog year
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Apparently Kuithe is done. in the forum Football 4 months, 1 week ago
2nd. His brother had at least 2 also before medically retiring.
If he’d just gone to the draft after 2021 when his stock was at it’s peak.,,
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