2008 National Champ
2008 National Champ started the topic Even the punter can't be counted on in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
At what point do we all agree that the performance this year is unacceptable in all phases.
As I type this, a Houston runner goes for about 60 against a defense where Reid is alone in the center and picks the wrong hole
2008 National Champ replied to the topic ESPN+ is hard to watch in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Someone said they got seats at a buck a pop. Seeing that crowd, I believe it
2008 National Champ replied to the topic It will be a miracle if Utah UPSETS the TDS in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
I’m willing to take that bet. Utah does no better or worse than tie next week
2008 National Champ replied to the topic QB is worth Everything in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Where’s the guy who would predict 20 point wins with Wilson and 30+ with Rising? this is exactly what happens when you force a true freshman into action before he’s ready
2008 National Champ started the topic 1 Kilt Lifter per TD in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
That’s all I ask. Last four games, the team owes me close to a case of TD’s. I’m already 4 Kilt Lifters in tonight and it’s the only way I can stomach the dreck that is Utah offensive football.
This game had better be a clear reminder to anyone predicting a one-loss playoff season next year
2008 National Champ replied to the topic ESPN+ is hard to watch in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
beat me to it. It sucks being a fan of a suck ass team that doesn’t earn enough exposure to at least get highlights of other games at halftime
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Becker missed twice in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
I’d like to know what happened with Becker. He had the big leg until he hurt something last year. Can’t even be counted on to kickoff to the end zone, let alone make a FG of any distance since
2008 National Champ started the topic 2nd half calls in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
OC has been working the edges and willing to go with the WR screens. It’s about time to turn those into a couple of deep shots. Otherwise, the full extent of his offense this game will have been Houston failing to cover Kuithe on a one yard route.
2008 National Champ started the topic Glad the new guy shot his wad in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
for calling hot routes to protect his QB on the 2nd play of the game. These plays are as slow developing as anything Ludwig called
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Wilson is a very mediocre QB in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
1st to 2nd year of playing.
2008 National Champ replied to the topic QB is worth Everything in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
The team is Oh-fer bowl games since 2017
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Becker missed twice in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
great questions
2008 National Champ started the topic Becker missed twice in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
On a drive where the RB who is averaging 6.3 ypc was used as a decoy so that the QB who had already missed plays this game could run the ball on 2nd and 2. Not really impressed with the change in OC to this point. It’s different but not necessarily better
2008 National Champ replied to the topic ESPN+ is hard to watch in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
boring football? this is a 7-7 barnburner between two teams that are good enough to be in the playoff 🙂
2008 National Champ replied to the topic QB is worth Everything in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Say what you want about Barnes, his losses came against a playoff team and 2 other teams that won 10 games each.
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Who calls a rollout on your own half yard line? in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
designed, long developing rollout. that was a two-point play, not a please get me some breathing room play
2008 National Champ replied to the topic The curse of Stillwater? in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
I was counting that game. Should Utah lose tonight, both teams would be 0-4 since that day.
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Every time so far in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
The Glover run came after I hit submit
2008 National Champ replied to the topic Wilson is a very mediocre QB in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
You won’t see progress this year. That’s too much to expect. 2nd year is when you should start seeing him change his game from what he got away with in high school to what he needs to do in college
2008 National Champ started the topic Who calls a rollout on your own half yard line? in the forum Football 4 months, 3 weeks ago
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