Utah @  Cincinnati

2008 National Champ

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Rose in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Eagle, I have no idea. I was also puzzled as to why the defense didn’t dare Houston to beat them through the air once they got the ball back. The Cougars ran eight plays, all runs, before they kicked the game-winning FG.

  • Unfortunately, I believe you’re right and that he won’t walk away from the program. The problem is that I don’t see him being able to reinvent himself and lead Utah to future success. That means that he’ll probably overstay his welcome and end up being fired, thus tarnishing his legacy. Interesting times are certainly upon us as Utah fans.

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Rose in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Yeah, I was about to say that he could have been a hero but ended up a zero. His interception led directly to Utah’s loss.

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Scalley vs Whitt in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Make a bowl game? It’s more likely that Utah gets blown out in each of the remaining games.

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Scalley vs Whitt in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    I would prefer number 2, primarily because it’s the only one of the two scenarios that’s plausible. No way, no how that Whitt calls it a day while the season is still on…in his mind that would really tarnish his image/legacy and come across like a turd in a punchbowl.

  • 1. You’re not going anywhere or doing anything, so learn to embrace the spoiler role.
    2. The season’s goals are no longer attainable, so feel free to play without any pressure.
    3. It’s obvious that the “stars” aren’t getting it done, so, if it hasn’t happened yet, let’s start giving some playing time to the guys playing well in practice.
    4. If…[Read more]

  • Wilson has been expressing frustrations? I mean, Larry come on now…it’s not like Wilson is the second coming of Caleb Williams…where’s he going to go to? Boise State? Maybe with some excellent coaching, he can find his niche but I haven’t seen anything out of him this season that leads me to believe some powerhouse program will be all hot…[Read more]

  • This is another version of the saying “it doesn’t matter who does the voting but who does the counting.” In essence, it doesn’t matter whether Utah fires Whitt if the guy selecting the new HC is incompetent. I’ve seen nothing from Harlan that gives me confidence that he’ll select the right person if Utah decides to also move away from Scalley.

  • You picked the Utes to lose to Houston???

  • Sometimes when the end comes, it comes at the speed of light. Stranger things have happened but it’s hard to see how Whitt reinvents himself and rights this ship given his advanced tenure.

    Whatever Utah had that made it a competitive and feared team, well that’s gone.

    If I was to give one piece of advice, it would be don’t stay long enough to…[Read more]

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Rose in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Here’s what shocks me…in the 2023 Spring Game, Rose showed the most talent and promise of all the QBs that played. That’s why everyone, myself included, that he was QB2 going into the season. Then he got injured in practice and narrative changed completely to one that he didn’t know the playbook. I’m still completely flabbergasted at that…[Read more]

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic Rose in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Totally agree with that. Not everyone wants to play in the NFL. Some guys have more brains than talent (e.g. Jack Tuttle) and use the system to have a good time at college and have all of their studies paid for. In today’s normal person environment, there’s nothing better than graduating from college with one or two degrees and no debt.

  • There’s nothing corny about that concept. People do similar things is many different professions and walks in life. Whitt stays in the job as long as he enjoys it and feels that he’s bringing positivity to people’s lives. I don’t know him, but he doesn’t strike me as a guy who would lie to himself for the purpose of staying on the job.

  • Those are good points. I would go further and add that, unless things go in a positive manner, that advisory role might not be there.

    What I mean by that is this: if Whitt holds on to the job while providing diminishing returns, and forces Utah’s hand, it’s hard to see any plausible scenario where he’s kept on as an advisor.

  • Regarding Saban, there’s a big difference between 65 and 72. Also. I’m hearing Saban to West Virginia rumors for 2025. Might not be as THE Head Coach but involved in the program in some capacity. Saban was born and raised in West Virginia and grew up as a Mountaineers fan, so you never know.

  • Until I see different body language and commentary from Whitt, I’m of the opinion that he’s going to be at Utah for a while. There are people out there, and I was one of them, that are well compensated but aren’t in love with their line of work. So, when those people make their mint and have their future assured, they jump ship.

    Whitt doesn’t…[Read more]

  • There’s the way things are and the way you wish them to be. Cruel reality will tell you that Whitt has three seasons remaining on his contract. In addition, if you watched yesterday’s press conference, you’d have seen a guy that’s firmly entrenched in his job and has no plans to leave any time soon. I mean, when asked if Bajakian was the…[Read more]

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic fan assumptions in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    I was always afraid a golf ball would hit my car as I drove to school.

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic fan assumptions in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Pedro, I’m not sure if your reply was directed at me but, if it was, it’s most definitely the wrong tack. Whitt doesn’t get paid millions of dollars because he’s an outstanding football coach, he gets paid that kind of money because people pay to watch his product.

    And you’re right, it’s entertainment and the first two rules of business and…[Read more]

  • The Miami Ute replied to the topic fan assumptions in the forum Football 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    He hates dealing with fans. If he could, he would never do press conferences or give us any information.

    For the life of me, I’ll never understand why so many sports coaches have this attitude. I mean, it’s fans, and the billions of dollars that they spend on a yearly basis, who provide coaches (and athletes) their millionaire lifestyle. If it…[Read more]

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