crazyute replied to the topic Where is Landon King? in the forum Football 5 months, 1 week ago
Yeah not understanding this at all. Bentley has shown to be pretty non usable in the passing game. Why not let King play who showed promise last year? After 5 games Bentley has shown to be nothing more than a glorified lineman out there. And it hinders the offensive production. Hey guys out there that can make plays
crazyute replied to the topic Calling Jaylon Glover in the forum Football 5 months, 1 week ago
That’s not fair to Mitchell. The coaches are miss managing the RB room just like other position groups.
Mitchell only comes in on short yardage obvious run plays. They never let him take a series and run.
Same with Stanley. He comes in to run the wheel route like opposing DC’s aren’t going to figure it out.There is a ton of misma…[Read more]
crazyute replied to the topic Fans walking out with 8 min left in the forum Football 5 months, 1 week ago
That’s because the Whittingham brand OSS bigger than the university according to Kyle.
We went from having multiple WR weapons to only playing 2 WR with Pittman sprinkled in.
We had multiple RB options only to run one of who could have added depth. We only use another in short yardage and don’t give him a series to run. Then play a walk on RB…[Read more] -
crazyute replied to the topic I miss getting meaningful updates from camp. in the forum Football 7 months ago
For being a supposed insider you are definitely off on some of these predictions. But oh well
crazyute replied to the topic Quick questions regarding Tim Patrick in the forum Football 4 years, 2 months ago
It’s too bad Utah doesn’t know how to use WR’s, he could have been insane.
There that is more accurate.
crazyute replied to the topic Carsen Ryan in the forum Football 4 years, 8 months ago
This is the problem. Why the top rated kids from Utah are leaving. Our coaching staff slow plays them. We have a 4* TE in our own backyard and we haven’t offered. But we’ve offered 4 out of state TE. One of them was at that showcase. And according to 24/7 Ryan was the number 2 offensive guy there only behind a ’21 Oregon commit. So why is the…[Read more]
crazyute replied to the topic ONLYU in the forum Football 4 years, 12 months ago
What about Aaron Lowe? I’ve heard some good things about him at the safety position.
crazyute replied to the topic 247 rankings in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
What, is it a crayon and coloring book?
crazyute replied to the topic Fackrell got his ass burned on that last SF td in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
We also learned LSU championship doesn’t count. Their QB cabe from the government cheese pile. So he sucks couldn’t beat the others out.
crazyute replied to the topic Utah Ute Season Grade, an A- in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
How did I know you would come in and only talk about the negative side of the season.
You’re as predictable as a morning turd! -
crazyute replied to the topic Here's why Utah's Defense will be Pretty damn good in 2020 in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
I’d really be interested to see Mata’afa win the other LB spot. At 6’3″ 220 him and lloyd would give us a ton of length and speed. And maybe he can get up to 230 by next fall
crazyute replied to the topic Transfer portal is the equivalent to government cheese in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
Failing, pace is failing!
crazyute replied to the topic Does Pace Manyung know that Jake Bentley had offers from Alabama, Clemson, LSU, in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
Not to mention those are 3 of the final 4 teams. All playing with QBs that got beat out at their previous schools.
Pace narrative is failing just like him at life -
crazyute replied to the topic Does Pace Manyung know that Jake Bentley had offers from Alabama, Clemson, LSU, in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
Some people really are this stupid.
And this clown proves it on a daily basis -
crazyute replied to the topic Does Pace Manyung know that Jake Bentley had offers from Alabama, Clemson, LSU, in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
Hey just like Joe Burrow. I wonder how the take scraps ended up for LSU?
crazyute replied to the topic Dabo and his coach's do a great job on halftime adjustments in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
But how? He told us it was over in the 1st quarter and LSU was going to get killed.
Maybe here should just stick to his evaluations on recruiting. Cause he is soooooo much better at that…..ha ha ha -
crazyute replied to the topic Dabo and his coach's do a great job on halftime adjustments in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
Nope just tired of your constant negativity and whining. You’re nothing but a BYU troll. And your schtick is old.
crazyute replied to the topic Dabo and his coach's do a great job on halftime adjustments in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
Remember how Clemson was going to kill LSU.
And you made that prediction after the game started
crazyute replied to the topic LSU Receivers in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
There is a reason Joe Burrow transferred though.
Remember pace told us transfers are no good
crazyute replied to the topic LSU is going to get killed in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
Love how he waits until after the game has started to make his prediction.
And LSU is winning.
This cry baby is clueless in all aspects of his life - Load More