CthulUte started the topic The uniform omens are pointing to a loss tonight in the forum Football 8 years, 3 months ago
When Utah wears all solid colors, they have won every time these last 3 years. When they wear the white helmet with different colored pants, they lose. This uniform combo is the same one as Arizona last last season. The wihite helmet is a curse in my opinion.
CthulUte replied to the topic Utah at Arizona Game Thread in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
Oregon and Arizona just cost their team and everyone else millions of dollars…
Play of the Game: 4th quarter dropped pass by K. Young. If he catches that, Utah marches down the field for a game-winning field goal as time expires.
CthulUte changed their profile picture 9 years, 5 months ago
CthulUte became a registered member 9 years, 5 months ago