Utah @  UCF

Damage U

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    • #4184
      Damage U

      Seems fitting to put this here.

      Quote from Kyle Goon via Twitter;
      Dimick on D-line holding back some schemes: “It kind of sucks not being able to do everything you want, but we trust our coaches.”

    • #4182
      Damage U

      Texas is a hell hole for a guy like Kyle. The butt kissing he’d have to do with boosters alone would be enough to make his stomach turn.
      By the way, and I say this with love in my heart, you suck for even bringing that up.😁

      Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

    • #2624
      Damage U

      Twitter was right. Beavs win.

    • #2089
      Damage U

      I believe that Kyle’s wife hands out candy bars as well or at least she used to.

    • #1038
      Damage U

      I’m going back and forth and probably will until Saturday. On one hand, Ducks in a blow out, on the other hand Ute in a close one.

    • #817
      Damage U

      I suspect the Michigan game was the first time Cowherd had ever stepped foot in the state of Utah let alone RES. His eyes seemed wide open with the RES atmosphere and really surprised how good it was.
      I like Petros and Money I usually turn to them when Bill and OC go off on a soccer tangent or anything none Utes.

      Does anyone else have any other PAC12 oriented shows they listen to? Living in Boise I get tired of listing to Boise’s big match up against the dreaded Bengals of Idaho State or the MWC bottom feeders.

    • #3487
      Damage U

      I believe that was the story earlier this summer, but it seems to have changed to him going. Again, same as with High Uintas, I have no inside info.

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Damage U.
    • #3385
      Damage U

      Hamilton has been tweeting out major props for Utah for quite some time. Starting to think he was heading of marketing. Lots of love from some of the Florida guys as well.

    • #1034
      Damage U

      I listened to their preseason podcast of the Utes. It was pretty good, haven’t had a chance to listen to any others. If I’m going to a USC/UCLA “site” I don’t mind the homerism. Although I say that and I’m reminded of Greg Wrubell.

    • #1025
      Damage U

      Cowherd is good until he starts waxing poetically then I start rolling my eyes.

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