Eastbaycat99 replied to the topic I think one play was the difference in the forum Football 6 years, 2 months ago
In reply to the comments that the no-call of PI and/or facemask on 1st and goal was the game changer, it should be noted that a PI call was made in the end zone 2 plays later, resulting in the exact same opportunity (1st and goal at the 2) the Utes would have had if the call was made on first down. The Utes did not capitalize.
In reality, as odd…[Read more]
Eastbaycat99 replied to the topic Know your enemy, eye ball breakdown, and I watched a few NW games in the forum Football 6 years, 3 months ago
And a of the Cats belong on the same field with all the All conference Utes, I guess. Take care. Injuries and conditions had a lot to do with both halves.
Eastbaycat99 replied to the topic Know your enemy, eye ball breakdown, and I watched a few NW games in the forum Football 6 years, 3 months ago
I did say I would come back in one way or the other!
Eastbaycat99 replied to the topic Know your enemy, eye ball breakdown, and I watched a few NW games in the forum Football 6 years, 3 months ago
Thought I would wait till the game was over. Thanks for the hospitality. Guess it wasn’t a Ute blowout after all.
Good luck next year! -
Eastbaycat99 replied to the topic Know your enemy, eye ball breakdown, and I watched a few NW games in the forum Football 6 years, 3 months ago
Bill Connelly is a smart guy, but for a number of reasons I think his numbers are a bit off relative to the Cats. A football season presents a much smaller data set than baseball or even Basketball for advanced stats. Beyond the relatively small sample size, the Cats played pretty much like 3 different teams over the course of the year on…[Read more]
Eastbaycat99 replied to the topic Know your enemy, eye ball breakdown, and I watched a few NW games in the forum Football 6 years, 3 months ago
LOL. Nice to see such passion. I’ll check back after the game and see how good your observations were, one way or the other.
I will say as an NU fan, I am pretty used to hearing fans of the opposing team minimize the talent the Cats bring to the field, and sometimes they are right. I’ll look forward th checking back Tuesday morning. -
Eastbaycat99 replied to the topic Know your enemy, eye ball breakdown, and I watched a few NW games in the forum Football 6 years, 3 months ago
I’m a Northwestern fan who lives in the Bay Area. I am also a 20+ year Cal STH, and since I am retired have the time to watch a lot of PAC 12 out of market games. I am not sure which NU games he original poster watched, and while he made some good points, I think NU’s variability this year may have caused him to jump to some conclusions.
The Cat…[
Eastbaycat99 became a registered member 6 years, 3 months ago