EastCoastUte replied to the topic Drake 'Benedict Arnold' Toll sinks to new low,.. in the forum Football 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I’ve brought this up before that Drake Toll is annoying but I suprisingly got alot down votes for it…
EastCoastUte replied to the topic QB Options in the forum Football 2 months, 2 weeks ago
dude, i need to dm you on how I can better improve my game on College Football ’25. you seem like the wizard.
EastCoastUte replied to the topic Dampier or Wilson? in the forum Football 2 months, 2 weeks ago
So my question about Wilson coming back is that doesn’t Beck run a more RPO offense thats geared towards a QB who is duel threat? wilson can throw but I don’t remember him being fast? someone correct me if im wrong…i feel like wilson would be playing an offense that isn’t best suited for his strengths…aka run.
EastCoastUte replied to the topic Nate Johnson in the forum Football 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Do you think we’d pick him up as a QB again or have him as a WR like what we’ve said before he left to the portal?
EastCoastUte replied to the topic OC in the forum Football 2 months, 4 weeks ago
naw, OnlyU stays out of the spot light too much to be Jen shah.
EastCoastUte replied to the topic OC in the forum Football 2 months, 4 weeks ago
I thought Only U said that he didn’t think it was gonna be Texas States OC? Isn’t that Kyle’s burner account?
EastCoastUte replied to the topic Is this how it went down in the preseason with Isaac Wilson in the forum Football 3 months ago
might be the least popular opinion on this site, but i think wilson has alot of potential and has shown them. all his mistakes are all mistakes a true freshman qb would have had. I was at the colorado/utah game and noticed, when wilson isn’t being rushed, he can make really good plays, its only when hes being pressured & running is when his throws…[Read more]
EastCoastUte replied to the topic Old lady behind Whitt in the forum Football 3 months, 4 weeks ago
thank you for asking this question, i too was curious but had no idea who to ask haha
EastCoastUte replied to the topic Ludwig in the forum Football 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Ludwig can’t call big plays if Cam can’t accurately throw the ball due to his injury…
EastCoastUte replied to the topic I just want to give Tony you all on here a ton of props in the forum Football 5 months, 1 week ago
Super excited for the Utah vs BYU game this Nov! If both Utah teams run the BIG12, that honestly would be amazing. such a good look for our programs nationally.
EastCoastUte replied to the topic Shoutout to all the poke fans in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
I don’t think overblown is the word when half the team was throwing up on the field. I was in the swamp that year and it was crazy how much humidity can play a factor in a game. The players were trying to drink as much water and Gatorade as they could but also throwing it up.
EastCoastUte replied to the topic Shoutout to all the poke fans in the forum Football 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Honestly, as much as I have confidence in our team, i am worried about the 100 degree weather that will be there on game day. remember when Utah played Florida in the swamp? players were throwing up on the field due to the humidity.
EastCoastUte started the topic rumors that Nike maybe utah next sponsor? in the forum Misc 7 months, 2 weeks ago
I saw an article from the Athlon about Utah Athletics tweeting (or X’ing? idk i don’t have X) a singer wearing a Utah shirt with the nike swoosh on it. Even though Utah isn’t with Nike, is that legal to post on a Utah official social media without having implications such as a law suit? I don’t know much about marketing but I would think if Under…[Read more]
EastCoastUte replied to the topic FOOTBALL is almost here! in the forum Football 7 months, 3 weeks ago
It would be a shame if we aren’t a high passing offense due to the weapons that we have.
EastCoastUte replied to the topic New approach to Fall Camp being taken this year in the forum Football 7 months, 3 weeks ago
I agree with ProudUte, it’ll be nice to play SUU to work out the kinks & remove the rust. it’ll be like another spring game.
EastCoastUte replied to the topic Let the rumors fly in the forum Football 7 months, 3 weeks ago
I’m actually sad about this because I was hoping Witt would stay until the end of his contract in ’27.
EastCoastUte replied to the topic Utah Utes Football Future Mock Coaching Staff in the forum Football 7 months, 4 weeks ago
aah, i see. well all OC’s need to start somewhere.
EastCoastUte replied to the topic 3* WR, Tavian McNair, commits to Utah in the forum Football 7 months, 4 weeks ago
would this hurt the chances of picking up Jerome Myles?
EastCoastUte replied to the topic Utah Utes Football Future Mock Coaching Staff in the forum Football 7 months, 4 weeks ago
Quinton Ganther as OC?? He’s only been with utah for 3 years, no?
EastCoastUte replied to the topic 3* CB Jason Stokes committed to Utah in the forum Football 8 months, 1 week ago
should we be concerned that the only 4* we’ve picked up is Thatcher for the ’25 class so far? then again, Utah is a development program.
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