AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
Well I’m that perv at work, so all y’all will just have to deal with my shit until they fire me for harassment or for eating other people’s hot pockets left in the break room fridge.
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
Well I’m that perv at work, so all y’all will just have to deal with my shit until they fire me for harassment or eating other people’s hot pockets left in the break room fridge.
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
Well I’m that perv at work, so all y’all can suck it.
AZswayze replied to the topic Any Skiers Here? Need New Skis in the forum Misc 8 years, 1 month ago
I picked up some Rossignol Soul 7’s this season. My research indicated that they’re a great powder ski, but just so-so on groomers, so I was a little concerned, but took the plunge anyway. I’ve put five days on them so far, and have hit everything from groomed, to powder, to crud, to ice and they have performed nearly flawlessly. They’re fairly…[Read more]
AZswayze replied to the topic Any Skiers Here? Need New Skis in the forum Misc 8 years, 1 month ago
I picked up some Rossignol Soul 7’s this season. I was told that they’re a great powder ski, but just so-so on groomers. I’ve put five days on them so far, and have hit everything from groomed, to powder, to crud, to ice and they have performed nearly flawlessly. They’re fairly inexpensive too, which is always nice.
AZswayze replied to the topic Any Skiers Here? Need New Skis in the forum Misc 8 years, 1 month ago
I picked up some Rossignol Soul 7’s this season. They’re supposed to be a great powder ski, but so-so on groomers. I’ve put five days on them so far, and have hit everything from groomed, to powder, to crud, to ice and they have performed nearly flawlessly. They’re fairly inexpensive too, which is always nice.
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
She’s wearing something that’s no worse than anything you’d see at the beach. Do you cover your daughter’s eyes when you take her to the public pool?
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
I’ve said this before, I believe in response to other posts by you, but changing the other person’s mind isn’t typically important. Political discourse is valuable, because there often are people who are on the fence paying attention to the conversation. You may never change the mind of the person you are debating, but you very well may have an…[Read more]
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
Nothing less sexy than simulating prepubescent junk.
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
Your generalizations are also part of the problem. Rather than ignore any political talk we should listen to one another, and try to tune out the noise. There are plenty of folks attempting to make valid points, and educate others while giving differing viewpoints. In other words, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Also, for the…[Read more]
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
Your generalizations are also part of the problem. Rather than tune out any political talk we should listen to one another, and try to tune out the noise. There are plenty of folks attempting to make valid points, and educate others while giving differing viewpoints. In other words, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Also, for the…[Read more]
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
Liberal bastion is not my words. I’m quoting others. I was part of the “problem” over there as far as most are concerned (I was 480ute). My post was pointing out that some people here bitch about Ufn being too political when in fact it’s obviously just too liberal (in their minds). Had there been more people posting conservative talking points I’m…[Read more]
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
Liberal bastion is not my words. I’m quoting others. I was part of the “problem” over there as far as most are concerned (I was 480ute). My post was pointing out that some people here bitch about Ufn being too political when in fact it’s just too liberal (in their minds). Had there been more people posting conservative talking points I’m sure they…[Read more]
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
Liberal bastion is not my words. I’m quoting others. I was part of the “problem” over there as far as most are concerned (I was 480ute).
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
If god intended us to be bare we would have been born with a pack of Gillettes.
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
She also has tact, which is my biggest concern with Trump. His complete lack of it has already stirred shit with other nations, and I fear it will get us in some serious trouble down the road.
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
The brazilian fad is worse than the skinny jeans movement.
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
Wasn’t directed at you, or anybody in particular. I actually don’t recall you complaining about Ufn’s politics.
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
There are far less posts here still on a daily basis. We’ll see how well this holds up over time. Point is that the hand wringing by some was complete bullshit. They were just upset that the “liberal bastion” known as Utefans largely doesn’t agree with their political ideologies, and had nothing to do with wanting to separate Utah sports and politics.
AZswayze replied to the topic Old Bill Still has It in the forum Politics 8 years, 1 month ago
There are far less posts here still on a daily basis. We’ll see how well this holds up over time. Point is that the hand wringing by some was complete bullshit. They were just upset that the liberal bastion known as Utefans largely doesn’t agree with their political ideologies, and had nothing to do with wanting to separate Utah sports and politics.
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