Puget Ute replied to the topic Those Republicans are so smart! Those poor starving health care CEO's just … in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
My wife had an emergency appendectomy a few years ago that cost ~50 iPhones, for a 6-hr stay in the hospital. The surgeon’s bill came to ~2 iPhones, the anesthesiologist was ~2.5 iPhones, the meds afterward were 1/3 of an iPhone, and the rest was just the hospital fees. (These are the billed amounts, and not necessarily what the insurance company…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic Those Republicans are so smart! Those poor starving health care CEO's just … in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
Shut up, Mr. Pre-Existing Condition!
Puget Ute replied to the topic Those Republicans are so smart! Those poor starving health care CEO's just … in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
Unfortunately you are 100% correct. Single payer would save hundreds of billions annually (including insurance company corporate profits and investor stock profits, and through significant streamlining), would negotiate on meds and equipment as the single largest medical provider, would make insurance easier for everybody in the nation, would free…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic Those Republicans are so smart! Those poor starving health care CEO's just … in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
That iPhone 8 sounds like a good investment. You would only need about 15-20 of those to cover the cost of an emergency appendectomy…
Puget Ute replied to the topic Those Republicans are so smart! Those poor starving health care CEO's just … in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
It actually had a broad package of incentives designed to keep the insurance companies in the game. This was agreed to by the insurance companies up front, and in return they were going to pick up all of the people who had pre-existing conditions, were ‘uninsurable’, etc. Part of this was getting the states to open up their exchanges, expanding…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic US Manufacturing in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
Modern-day slaves! What could go wrong?
Puget Ute replied to the topic US Manufacturing in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
Hang on, this is going to be long and will go pretty far off topic to make a larger point.
For the past 30-40 years there has been a big squeeze on labor to gain profits, as well as a FED and Treasury policy to avoid inflation (which destroys capital, because it is essentially a tax on investment). These inflation-avoiding policies include…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic US Manufacturing in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
Hang on, this is going to be long and will go pretty far off topic to make a larger point.
For the past 30-40 years there has been a big squeeze on labor to gain profits, as well as a FED and Treasury policy to avoid inflation (which destroys capital, because it is essentially a tax on investment). These inflation-avoiding policies include…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic US Manufacturing in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
One problem is the labor value provided by the robots is not taxed. In the future this means that not only are we losing jobs, but we are also losing a large percentage of the tax base.
This is something that must be addressed. Bill Gates suggests taxing the productivity of the robots at a level exceeding the amount that would have been paid…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic US Manufacturing in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
One problem is the labor value provided by the robots is not taxed. In the future this means that not only are we losing jobs, but we are also losing a large percentage of the tax base.
This is something that must be addressed. Bill Gates suggests taxing the productivity of the robots at a level exceeding the amount that would have been paid…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic It's been over two days since anyone in my neighborhood called the cops… in the forum Misc 7 years, 10 months ago
Chicago just went for longer than 1 week without a murder, for the first time in over 5 years.
Celebrate the small victories…
Puget Ute replied to the topic US Manufacturing in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
But the jobs that used to pay $48/hr in Flint now pay $12.50/hr in Mexico. And the product still sells for roughly the same price at the store in the US.
Puget Ute replied to the topic US Manufacturing in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
But the problem is the economic stimulus from tax cuts is short term only (often on the order of 6-12 months only), and becomes extremely detrimental in the long term. Tax cuts at the top eventually only stimulate savings at the top (which largely returns to the economy only through the creation of new debt), and the money doesn’t do much of…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic Joe Williams in the forum Football 7 years, 10 months ago
He said he was cramping up, too. John Ross might be even faster, and this was laser timed.
Herschel Walker ran a hand-timed 4.12 at the NFL combine, but of course that is subject to error. But 4.22 on the electronic timers is unbelievably fast. Good for John!
Puget Ute replied to the topic Joe Williams in the forum Football 7 years, 10 months ago
Joe Williams has the fastest overall 40-sec time of the entire combine.
Puget Ute replied to the topic I cannot even begin to comprehend this mindset … WTF in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
Gambling is illegal in Washington, but it is legal on tribal reservation land. And we have reservations all over the place, so we have casinos all over the place. And ironically they are important to the economy of the state.
The tribes in Utah should make a push to do something similar.
Puget Ute replied to the topic I cannot even begin to comprehend this mindset … WTF in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
Gambling is illegal in Washington, but it is legal on reservation land. And we have reservations all over the place, so we have casinos all over the place. And ironically they are important to the economy of the state.
Puget Ute replied to the topic I cannot even begin to comprehend this mindset … WTF in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
It wouldn’t matter. The local precincts are so strongly gerrymandered that nothing can change it.
The secret is to get people to attend their neighborhood caucuses and make their voices heard. Some polls show Utah being somewhere above 40% Democrat, but the local legislature is still >85% Republican. And that allows the legislature to move…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic I cannot even begin to comprehend this mindset … WTF in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
It wouldn’t matter. The local precincts are so strongly gerrymandered that nothing can change it.
The secret is to get people to attend their neighborhood caucuses and make their voices heard. Some polls show Utah being somewhere above 40% Democrat, but the local legislature is still >85% Republican. And that allows the legislature to move…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic I cannot even begin to comprehend this mindset … WTF in the forum Politics 7 years, 10 months ago
It wouldn’t matter. The local precincts are so strongly gerrymandered that nothing can change it.
The secret is to get people to attend their neighborhood caucuses and make their voices heard. Some polls show Utah being somewhere above 40% Democrat, but the local legislature is still >85% Republican. And that allows the legislature to move…[Read more]
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