Puget Ute replied to the topic Hmmm… peaceful. in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
The crime rate in Sweden is roughly flat over the past few decades, but immigration is greatly up over the same period (and especially since 2011). The percentage of immigrants rose from ~9% in 1990 to 15% today.
This article has a good discussion of the situation: -
Puget Ute replied to the topic Thank god for liberal states, with healthy businesses to cover these costs in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
Doesn’t California have an ‘out clause’ explicitly written into their article of statehood (whatever it is called)? I moved away from California a long time ago and can’t explicitly remember the particulars, but IIRC they can vote to secede with something like a 3/4 vote in the state legislature (which is exceptionally unlikely).
I think Texas…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic So in the forum Basketball (Men) 7 years, 11 months ago
FWIW, Porter Rockwell was not a polygamist. He had 4 wives but never more than one at a time. He was a serial monogamist.
Puget Ute replied to the topic Remarkable USA Today article about Joe WIlliams in the forum Football 7 years, 11 months ago
Ugh. Screw all of those jackholes. I agree that it is horrible for them to have said it at the time, let alone now that the full story has come out. Poor Joe was struggling against some demons, and his fiancee helped him get through it.
Puget Ute replied to the topic Gottfired in the forum Basketball (Men) 7 years, 11 months ago
I am glad Krystkowiak is our coach. I wish Rick Majerus hadn’t cratered our program on his way out the door because he made it almost impossible for us to get a good coach. Luckily Krystko went another way when Chris Hill first approached him. And I am also glad Gottfried is not our coach.
That being said, I still wonder where our program…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic Kuzma not playing tonight in the forum Basketball (Men) 7 years, 11 months ago
Welp, maybe we will get to see a special DB flop anyhow. We need to look forward to something, right?
Puget Ute replied to the topic thougths and prayers to the small business owners this will impact in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
Yes, once lands are privatized then regular folks are at the mercy of the new owners if they want any access. Hunters, hikers, fishermen, bikers, climbers, etc, will all face restrictions. This is precisely what happened in Idaho as recently as last year.
Puget Ute replied to the topic thougths and prayers to the small business owners this will impact in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
Isn’t this a case of misplaced priorities? As I understand it the Outdoor Recreation industry is worth $12.3B/annually to the state, while extraction industries are closer to $3.5B.
Puget Ute replied to the topic So Flynn not expected to be charged by FBI, in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
The Logan Act is unfairly punitive and hopefully it will not be used against Flyn. It is an outdated and largely useless law.
That lying to the FBI, however, is still very much Perjury. They will probably tack on additional charges beyond that.
Puget Ute replied to the topic So Flynn not expected to be charged by FBI, in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
That is part of the problem. They can’t legally monitor the discussions of US citizens inside the US without a warrant. But that won’t stop them and Congress won’t bring them to heel.
Puget Ute replied to the topic Trump and the EC. Help me understand something. in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
It is hilarious to see the Heritage Fdn write that article, since they developed much of the framework upon which the ACA was based. And don’t pretend that your insurance premiums weren’t going up before the ACA, or that they won’t go up significantly after it gets repealed (over the opposition of 65%-70% of the public, as polls show).
Looking…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic So Flynn not expected to be charged by FBI, in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
Good thing we have that NSA data center in Utah collecting data and phone calls from all overseas sources.
Also a protip for everybody: Your cell phone company uses overseas servers for data, so all of your texts are considered to have come from an ‘overseas’ source and thus are probably stored at that data center. Food for thought next time you…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic So Flynn not expected to be charged by FBI, in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
Bill Clinton went to her plane, not the other way around. And it was unannounced.
Puget Ute replied to the topic Additional Benefits to Building That Wall in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
Trump probably has a few dozen construction companies that will work on the wall.
Puget Ute replied to the topic Additional Benefits to Building That Wall in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
Apparently the airport should say, “I know you are coming in here legally today, but 18 months from now I think you aren’t going to leave on time so I will cut out the middleman and save 5 years of legal arguments by deporting you today”.
Puget Ute replied to the topic Additional Benefits to Building That Wall in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
They cross the border LEGALLY on a LEGAL visa. And then stay after it expires.
And people who know they are here illegally are far less likely to use social services. And they are far less likely to even call the cops.
Puget Ute replied to the topic Additional Benefits to Building That Wall in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
They cross the border LEGALLY on a LEGAL visa. And then stay after it expires.
Puget Ute replied to the topic Additional Benefits to Building That Wall in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
It is so funny to see people downvote provable facts. Oh well. And in the time since that article was written we actually have a strong net negative immigration flow with Mexico. When the upcoming economic bubble inevitably pops we will probably see fewer jobs for migrants and thus will see even more leave.
I think people would be shocked at the…[Read more]
Puget Ute replied to the topic Additional Benefits to Building That Wall in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
You understate that number. Immigration officials actually state that up to 60% of people here ‘illegally’ are those who flew here and then overstayed their visa.
Puget Ute replied to the topic Additional Benefits to Building That Wall in the forum Politics 7 years, 11 months ago
They will get the resources because we will pay them to build the wall.
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