FountainofUte replied to the topic Burgess gone back TDS in the forum Basketball (Men) 10 months ago
How is Utah State Doing it? Do they spend more on hoops NIL than Utah?
Our basketball program is DOA. Honestly, with this Burgess move – (he left being an assistant at Utah to be an assistant at BYU!!!! Are you efffffing kidding me!!??) — I think our program is more dead than it was with Giac or Boylen’s lows. At this point we absolutely should h…[Read more]
FountainofUte replied to the topic Burgess gone back TDS in the forum Basketball (Men) 10 months ago
It’s totally fine and feasible to be good at both football and basketball without sacrificing football.
Regardless, our near future is set in stone…
Smith is screwed, next year is going to hurt, then he’s gone 11 months from now and we do this crazy hire train all over again. We convince Alex Jensen to pull a Kevin Young, or we hire Burgess…[Read more]
FountainofUte replied to the topic Would love to see the U of U revist the Universe Project in the forum Football 10 months, 1 week ago
I’d love to see the Universe Project or something like it get developed on campus. One thing the campus is missing is a “scene” for both students and alums. Places to each, shop, and hang out.
FountainofUte replied to the topic Possible NHL Team Names in the forum Professional Sports 10 months, 2 weeks ago
Yeah, I don’t know how the nuances of that work. I think some of it comes down to how likely one is to confuse two brands, or is one brand stealing or drafting off the brand value of another. I’d find that hard to prove here.
Then again, I was surprised the SL Buzz had to change names because Georgia Tech’s mascot’s name is Buzz and they thought…[Read more]
FountainofUte replied to the topic Possible NHL Team Names in the forum Professional Sports 10 months, 2 weeks ago
The best name is the Utah Black Diamonds.
As some have already mentioned, we should be highlighting our mountains, our winter and snow sports heritage and legacy. Also, anything snow and mountains related is pretty neutral as far as it not preferring one group or another (pioneers, etc.)
Our skiing is already world class and Olympic. To have…[Read more]
FountainofUte replied to the topic Utah Mountain Meadow Marauders in the forum Professional Sports 10 months, 2 weeks ago
Utah Black Diamonds for NHL
Utah Cutthroats for MLBBoth are perfect
FountainofUte replied to the topic How bad would losing Burgess be? in the forum Basketball (Men) 10 months, 3 weeks ago
I just don’t see what BYU’s options are. If they can’t pry away Madsen — and that’s not looking good — then their next best option has to be Burgess, right?
The funny thing is that it’s neither ideal for BYU or Utah, but BYU’s tiny hiring pool puts us in this position. Oddly, I think both schools will be worse off than they were before if Bur…[Read more]
FountainofUte replied to the topic article ranking FBS teams desirability in further expansion in the forum Football 11 months, 1 week ago
If you go out to 12, it looks something like this:
Michigan State
North Carolina
Ohio State
Penn State
Virginia TechSOUTH
Florida State
NC State
Ole Miss
FountainofUte replied to the topic article ranking FBS teams desirability in further expansion in the forum Football 11 months, 1 week ago
If the magic number is 40. Based on these rankings and trying to build four geographical groups of 10, here’s what it might look like:
North Carolina
Ohio State
Michigan State
Penn State
Florida State
FountainofUte replied to the topic Recruiting, Traditional factors vs NIL? in the forum Football 11 months, 1 week ago
By the way it’s looking, I’d slice the pie like this:
NIL 48%
Playing time 47%
Some blend of coach and school rep 5% -
FountainofUte replied to the topic Reddit discusses (based on The Athletic) which Big12 team could win an NC first in the forum Football 11 months, 1 week ago
Obviously it’s going to be tough.
The confluence of perfect timing of talent, experience, and depth on the team, coupled with extreme luck of the bounce of the ball, lack of injuries, probably help from other teams making your path easier. I just can’t fathom a season where Utah is the last team standing.
It’s not impossible, but it’s so hard…[Read more]
FountainofUte replied to the topic This is part of the problem in the forum Basketball (Men) 11 months, 1 week ago
This is where I am too.
Yes, our attendance and vibe at mbb right now is bad. But it didn’t used to be…until the program has slogged along for most of the last two decades. And 8 years w/o an NCAA berth is crazy.
I know it’s chicken/egg, but the unfortunate reality is that some coach is going to have to figure out how to build a…[Read more]
FountainofUte replied to the topic Harlan needs to poach Quannas White away from Houston in the forum Basketball (Men) 11 months, 2 weeks ago
I can’t either, but can you imagine if we did!? Boy howdy.
It is a hire like that that we need. We can’t eff around anymore. This has gotten bad.
On one hand I feel like our program is miles from where it needs to be. And on the other, I think the fix could be quick if the right moves are made — possibly even by Smith (though I’m losing faith f…[Read more]
FountainofUte replied to the topic Changes in Recruiting Strategies in the forum Basketball (Men) 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Here’s what I’d do if I were recruiting the Runnin Utes…
First, it goes without saying that we need the biggest, baddest, most athletic and NBA-bound studs we can find. Easy to say. Hard to do. But we’ve landed those guys in the past, and we’ll keep getting them in the future. Just gotta keep digging and we’ll get our share. No big surprise…[Read more]
FountainofUte replied to the topic I feel like Hill took the wrong approach with the b-ball team in the forum Basketball (Men) 2 years, 11 months ago
I agree with those saying that it seemed like the right idea at the time to lock up LK. If you capture that very moment in 2015 when he signed it, we had literally just been to the Sweet 16 the month before. Not only that, but we had basically that whole team coming back minus Delon. (That included Poeltl who was clearly a stud, Kuzma who was…[Read more]
FountainofUte replied to the topic Impact of the new KGRZ in the forum Football 3 years, 6 months ago
Why is KGRZ too much like “Cougars”? Did no one think this through?
FountainofUte replied to the topic PAC 12, B1G, ACC forming an alliance? in the forum Pac-12 3 years, 6 months ago
I’d love to see a scenario where (from Utah’s perspective) we play one home game vs B1G/ACC and one road game vs B1G/ACC every season. It could alternate (e.g. vs Michigan/@Virginia Tech in ’22, then vs VT/@Michigan in ’23), or you just move on from year to year to new teams (e.g. vs Michigan/@Virginia Tech in ’22, then vs Syracuse/@Iowa in…[Read more]
FountainofUte started the topic Scheduling agreement with the B1G in the forum Football 3 years, 7 months ago
A scheduling agreement with the B1G is one of the ideas that gets thrown around in response to the UT-OU/SEC thing. But what does that agreement look like? Here’s what I’d like it to be:
1 home and 1 away against two different teams in one season (for instance @Iowa and home vs. Maryland)Basketball
I’d love to see two home and two away…[Read more] -
FountainofUte replied to the topic Pac-12 Discussing Dropping Down To Eight Conference Games in the forum Football 3 years, 8 months ago
It’s a shame if we go to 8, even though I get why. But much of the blame rests at the feet of the playoff selection committee. The teams they rewarded with a spot became the teams to emulate. So rather than punish an SEC team for playing 8 conf games, 2 FCS games, and 10 home games by leaving them out of the playoff, they reward them and even…[Read more]
FountainofUte replied to the topic Who is you favorite basketball coach in Utah history? in the forum Basketball (Men) 3 years, 8 months ago
I’ll have to say Majerus for me. Like others, I’m a Gen-X’er who has no memory of a coach before him. At the time, all I cared about was the winning that he brought and the prestige that came to the school and community that I’m proud of. In the years since, as I hear more about his oddities and mean streak I see him a little differently. I’ll be…[Read more]
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