Baylor @  Utah


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    • #240328

      If this is public knowledge why isn’t there any recourse if it’s tampering?

    • #240258

      Oh well. I mean if you do well people think you’re going to do well again in the future. Not a problem we have to worry about currently.

      We could easily win 9 or 10 games this year if the offense clicks and we find suitable replacements across the roster.

      But what’s going to happen instead is that our offense takes a step up. I mean… not like it can go down (I said this exact same thing almost verbatim last year and was proven oh-so-incredibly wrong). We see injury issues again and a lack of quality 2 and 3 deep players in a handful of spots Because Whitt will adapt poorly to the new smaller roster and can’t find diamonds in the rough anymore. Our leaderless carousel roster goes through the season in a daze while Whitt does nothing about an increasingly negative locker room that’s amplified by a hobbling 19 year old who isn’t tall enough to ride half of Lagoon’s s**t.

      Six wins. Whittingham continues displaying all of the same problems and most likely strongarms himself into another season while our brand starts to slide into the territory where you’re one of those joke teams who has to go 6-0 before they rank you 25th because you started at a presumptive rank of 100. We lose the Chet’s Microwave Kettlecorn bowl to Akron on Tuesday, December 2nd at 10:45 AM EST because Whitt could lose a bowl game to the waitstaff of a single Cracker Barrel at this point. For no reason whatsoever Cam Rising dives across his kitchen to stop a single potato chip from falling onto the floor and destroys both knees. Whitt visits him in the nursing home with a scholarship in hand, ready to hit 2026 like a fart into the grand canyon. Cam accepts. Shah phones Whitt after a conjugal visit to tell him he plans to accept the waterboy position at UVU, But Whitt knows this game well enough by now, Shah’s check is already in the mail.

      In early August we’ll be the best Utah team that’s ever touched the field though. So that’s a plus. We’ve been having incredible Augusts for years now. I can’t wait to see what kind of August our offensive line has, damn they’re going to be bigger and more talented than ever (ask me how I know). Our receivers are going to be absolute specimens, perhaps the best group Whitt has ever had, a real surprise coming out of fall camp. And you know Whittingham isn’t the type of guy to say he’s got a good team unless he knows he does. He really only says that like once a year before any football has been played, every year, so pretty rare. Just something you never hear from the guy. He’s old-school, you know. It’s damn shame we don’t play much football in August or we’d be counting nattys.

    • #239909

      I read that Penn St didn’t complete a single pass to a WR this game. That’s a Utah stat, how can that even happen the game still be close?

    • #239875

      Should’ve Tebow jump-passed it. I still think that play is the perfect combo of stupid and apparently unstoppable.

    • #240331

      Wow. It’s a damn shame we can’t pass.

    • #240294

      When there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it, best just be able to laugh.

    • #240261

      Whitt would finish reading it, blink twice, and get up to go and find out which one of the coaches I am.

    • #240259

      It’s a lot more fun when your team doesn’t fall off a cliff and pretend it has no idea how it got there.

    • #239962

      If he has any sense to him he’ll have realized he’s aggressive brain cancer to a productive offense. We’ll see.

    • #239961

      “Something has changed in his thinking to make him stay”

      Ya, not wanting two years of colossal f**kup to be the tail end of his legacy. If 23 and 24 were regular years he’d be gone. I think coaching football is probably a bit different, a bit more drawn out, but you see this in competitors a lot. It’s especially clear in combat sports. A former high performer chases the top of the mountain after having been there already, but never quite makes it. And every successive to climb back up gets a little less impressive than the last. Sometimes that goes on long enough for it to become a complete train wreck by the end, a lot of greats have gone out this way. I hope this one ends different and I’m sure that it can. I’m just betting against the continuation of a long insidious trend to have that hope, and I know with certainty that’s a sucker’s bet.

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