Utah @  Oklahoma State


  • If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it did it happen?  The last time anyone actually watched the Utes on TV junkball Fink was playing 500 and our dbs were losing.  No one has watched the last month of total domination by the Utah D.  It is like John Henry or Paul Bunyan until it is witnessed in the light of day tomorrow.

    By that same…[Read more]

  • I appreciate the furvor for this mythological creature we all covet but let’s get real for a minute.  The O-line is starting to gel and part of that is working as a group.  O-line is not reciever or runningback where you just sub guys in to get reps.  He will play in his 4 games, Whit has said as much, but let’s pump the brakes a bit.  He is not…[Read more]

  • Hellhound152 started the topic Boom in the forum Football 4 years, 11 months ago

    Eason and Herbert got the everloving shit knocked out of them today.

  • Looking in the rearview mirror, it sure would have been nice if Covey would have sat for NIU and Idaho State so that he could have been available later in the season if needed like Bryan Thompson last season.  I would guess the prevailing though was that he would have worked himself back in those games against lesser competition but it didn’t pan out.

  • Hellhound152 started the topic #justaregularteam in the forum Football 5 years ago

    We gonna win!

  • If the folks on the other board are to be believed he is somewhere between unofficial recruiting coordinator and staff member to exiled malcontent with mental illness.  But that is coming from a group of people that have to make up stories about Ute neighbors transgressions so who the hell knows?

    The fact that a dude a little bit older than me is…[Read more]

  • No, Shelley knew he was going to be the two coming into the season.  I still have little doubt that if something were to happen to Tyler in a real game Jason would run into the huddle.  Or, Rising is looking so good in practice that the writing is on the wall and Shelley will be QB1 at Utah State next season anyway.

    People get on here and bitch…[Read more]

  • Hellhound152 started the topic Zona Tech in the forum Football 5 years ago

    Tune in to this Zona vs. Tech debacle and it will increase your appreciation for our boring efficiency this season.

  • Hellhound152 replied to the topic Honest Question in the forum Football 5 years ago

    “I hate those pussy’s with a passion, I have hated them since I was born.” ~ Morgan Scalley

    I will go with a hard no.

  • Hellhound152 replied to the topic Washington in the forum Pac-12 5 years ago

    I have no other expectation for Washington than that they will be good.  I just need a little bit of a sample size before I go all in on Eason as the second coming of Warren Moon after a game against an FCS school. Eason was basically a 55% passer at Georgia playing against teams that gave more than a nod to playing defense.

  • Hellhound152 started the topic Turnover "___________" in the forum Football 5 years ago

    Everyone seems to have some sort of turnover gimmick.  At Utah it is part of the game plan so our guys just act like it is part of their job.  Refreshing.

  • Hellhound152 started the topic A legacy taken in the forum Football 5 years ago

    Finally got around to watching “College Football 150”.  My takeaway is that in less than 15 years 2004 and 2008 have been erased from college football lore.  Boise St. recieved a 7 minute segment on a 90 minute special for an improbable win over Oklahoma with no mention of the original or best BCS busters.  I wholly recognize that the true reward…[Read more]

  • Those freshmen aren’t exactly 2 star scrubs.  Also, I wish this damn board would make up its mind about preseason rankings. For years they were crap and didn’t matter, now they are gospel because the Utes got some love?

  • The difference I see is that Miami has just as much talent as Florida. Ybu doesn’t fit that bill.

  • First, welcome to a Husky in Ute Country.

    As some context to the Utah recruiting strategy, after Utah built its PAC12 roster and started consistently winning other coaches in the conference started paying attention.  A certain snake oil salesman at ASU and a few others started tracking the low 3 stars Utah was getting to commit early.  Then they…[Read more]

  • Hellhound152 replied to the topic Devin Lloyd in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago

    You need to pay better attention and complain less.  The coaches have talked about his progress in almost every interview during camp.  You have a point on the lack of P5 offers, Bartel and others commented on it at the time wondering why you would recruit a 6’4″ 215 lb. “athlete” (FS/WR).

    The problem with Lloyd’s recruiting was that he didn’t…[Read more]

  • We never disparage that handsome son of a bitch!  He has been on the hype train for a while and has been one of the most vocal advocates of our program for years.  Big fan of Yogi!

  • Hellhound152 replied to the topic My bold prediction in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago

    If they announce position changes for Green and/or Brumfield in the next couple of weeks your prediction may have some legs.  Otherwise play him 4, give him a year of strength and conditioning, and see if he pulls ahead of the committee in 20′. 

  • Just a thought for the one game at a time, this team is overhyped, debbie downers out there.
    For the better part of 25 years the Utah football team has been (in the eyes of it’s fans) the Rodney Dangerfield of college football.  To the outside world cries of Respect us, see we are good, what more do you want? have been thrown at the national…[Read more]

  • Just a thought for the one game at a time, this team is overhyped, debbie downers out there.

    For the better part of 25 years the Utah football team has been (in the eyes of it’s fans) the Rodney Dangerfield of college football.  To the outside world cries of Respect us, see we are good, what more do you want? have been thrown at the national…[Read more]

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