Utah replied to the topic Look, I know it's not Utah Football, but boy is Padres baseball fun to watch. in the forum MLB 6 months, 1 week ago
Man, that you left off the best team in baseball…
The Phillies are a real treat. Bryce Harper is just special. Best defensive first baseman in baseball and he’s only been playing it about a year. Best pitcher in baseball in Zack Wheeler. Young players that are a blast watch, the coolest looking player in baseball in Castellanos (or Uncle Nicky…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic Whittingham dishing out bulletin board material: in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
First, if you downvoted this…I feel for ya. I really do.
Second, some of those lines were absolute classics…”Couldn’t cover a check at Burger King with a stolen credit card.”
“as slow as free shipping”.
I’m dying. Just great stuff.
Utah started the topic Whittingham dishing out bulletin board material: in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
Utah replied to the topic The thing that concerns me most about Baylor in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
I’ll say this again, but I. Wilson looked very good for a true freshman in his first college game ever. He was poised in the pocket, has a great arm, threw completions while being his, stepped up in the pocket, made good reads.
His first INT was a tough situation. Bad throw, but for a kid who thinks he can do it all on 3rd and 15…The coaches…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic The thing that concerns me most about Baylor in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
And one reason why Utah has not struggled vs mobile QB’s lately is because they play a lot more zone concepts. This man up and blitz the extra guys Utah defense is not what Scalley runs.
What gives me the most hope for Scalley taking over for Whitt is this is Scalley’s defense, not Whitt’s. While it has its origins in Whitt’s man up defense, it…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic Thoughts in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
I watched a TON of college football this weekend. I have teenage boys and so we watch. The Big 10 and SEC have some great teams. The Big 12…Utah is just better than everyone else. Maybe Kansas is really good as well…but everyone else is just…meh.
I think the Big 12 title game will be Kansas and Utah and both teams will have one loss at…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic Baylor Utah Line in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
SMU is the same team they were last year and they won 11 games last year. It was the first game of the year. There might have been some “we are better and don’t need to show up” for SMU last game.
I think SMU will come out looking for blood and it could get ugly for BYU.
Utah replied to the topic Favorite childhood teams in the forum NBA 6 months, 1 week ago
Oh man. What a question. I grew up with my mom and she moved…a lot. I lived in Florida, South Carolina, Ohio, Missouri…I spent the most time in Florida and Ohio. So, childhood teams:
CFB: Never a real fan of any Florida school, I just knew I hated those smug, rich private school assholes in Miami. We moved to Ohio in third grade-ish and I…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic Jay Hill in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
Here’s the thing:
He may have had a heart attack…Nowadays, depending on the attack, the severity, the health of the patient and time from attack to seeing a doctor…
Sometimes it ends up being pretty routine. There are sometimes, they monitor you for a few hours, tell you to go home and get back to normal life.
I hope that’s the case for…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic DeQuan Finn in the forum Football 6 months, 1 week ago
I know!!! We move to the Big 12 and suddenly everyone in the world thinks we’ve never played against talented players before. “Oh, Utah will shocked by how good these players are!”
Nah, we played against them every week in the PAC-12. I don’t remember the exact numbers, but last year alone we played against over 10 first or second round draft…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic Moving on from last night, what does everyone hope to see next week? in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Rising always checks down to the TE. Remember the INT he threw to a Kincaid covered by 4 people? It is who he is.
I want Utah to go up big vs Baylor and USU so we can see more of Wilson. I’m pumped for him. He looked incredible last night. I want game experience for him. I’d like for him to get a series or two with the starters.
Utah replied to the topic Give Isaac Wilson a break in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Yes, he should have taken the easy throw. BUT the WR was open. Wilson under threw it. If he throws it into the corner it’s a TD or an incompletion. But the WR was open, Wilson’s read wasn’t wrong, he just attempted a hard throw and missed.
Like you, I’d prefer he throw it underneath, but mentally, what he did was ok. He had a WR open in the end…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic My assessment of game 1 in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Agree that Lohner was open in the flat, but the WR was open in the end zone as well. He just under threw it.
Utah replied to the topic Moment of Loudness 2024 in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
That’s cool.
What I’d like to see it evolve to is the lights going down, the music starting, no talking, a big 22 flash on the board, the crowd goes wild (maybe phone lights on as the stadium will be dark) as the music builds and then the family on three part. Just absolute noise and craziness started by a slow build of the orchestra.
Utah replied to the topic Give Isaac Wilson a break in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
He’s going to be a great QB and last night showed that.
That second INT…the WR was open, Wilson made a bad throw. That’s it. He makes a better throw and he’s 8/11 with 2 TD’s and over 100 yards passing.
He was a freaking baller last night and anyone who says otherwise…lacks knowledge on QB play. He made the right reads, he made strong…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic My assessment of game 1 in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
I disagree about QB1 to QB2.
Wilson played great. 7/11 with 74 yards, 7 ypc, and a beautiful back shoulder throw for a TD. I’m getting hard remembering it.
He did have two INT’s. The first one…the coaches screwed him over, which I bet they did on purpose to see how he responded. 3rd and 15, his third college football play ever. I’m ok with…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic welcome to college Mr. Wilson in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Was it a dumb throw? Absolutely. If he had thrown it to the back corner instead of short, it was a TD. So, while not the smartest throw, he wasn’t throwing it into a quadruple covered receiver. The guy was open. It was a hard throw. He tried it and failed.
This is why you play super talented guys vs a school like SUU. So they can learn that this…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic It is difficult seeing any value in a FCS game in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Is there value when you look at it logically?
But when big time schools schedule games like this, you need to as well. Football is too hard. You can’t play 10+ P4 games a year, win 10+ games and win the playoffs.
Look, if Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, Oregon, Ohio State won’t play 10 P4 games a year, then you sure as hell shouldn’t. You…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic Good luck! in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Ted Lasso is the Bryce Harper of the board. Panders to us big time, but still brings it with quality posts. I want to wish BYU luck…but I really just can’t.
But I really appreciate the sentiment from you.
Utah replied to the topic Final prediction on the year in the forum Football 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Our DL is so good. And our LB’s are the best we’ve ever had. Bishop is a step down, but I think overall our secondary will be better this year.
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