Utah started the topic The best part of this game? in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Seeing Gary and Kyle at work. So excited to see the band back together.
ladyinred replied to the topic Format of Utehub in the forum Comments and Suggestions 6 years, 6 months ago
I think people are too sensitive in general about the thumbs down feature. I like it because i can get a sense of how others are thinking about something. it can also make you realize your own opinions are not un-controversial.
i have looked at but never posted on this cougar board place. my impression was that it was a place full of…[Read more] -
Utah replied to the topic Format of Utehub in the forum Comments and Suggestions 6 years, 6 months ago
I like the thumbs up feature and I think it helps people post. For example, if you post something and get some thumbs up, you are more motivated to keep posting.
The thumbs down, I think it does the opposite.
I’d say keep the thumbs up, get rid of the thumbs down, or make it that you cannot thumb down unless you post a response.
Also, I…[Read more]
Utah started the topic Three Deep Offense, Utah and BYU. in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
I did this last year and it was fun and I’ll do it again.
I decided to go three deep, to show how pathetic BYU is.
QB – Huntley, Tuttle, and third string would be Lisk or Mangum. Crazy how far Mangum has fallen.
HB – Moss, Shyne, DHC – I don’t see a BYU RB making the cut here.
Outside WR – Mariner, Boyd, Enis
Outside WR – Thompson, Simpkins,…[
Onlyu replied to the topic Moar Utah Football Talk in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
I’d argue that Thompson, Boyd, and Enis will play in the NFL or at least reach the level of the guys you mention. Mariner, Simpkins and potentially Covey will get a look as well. Very similar…Enis, Boyd and Thompson are higher rated incoming prospects than those listed above as well.
Point taken on catches but in fairness Boyd wasn’t…[Read more]
Onlyu replied to the topic Moar Utah Football Talk in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
First of all we are in a much better position at WR top to bottom than we probably ever have been albeit maybe slightly inexperienced.
We’re splitting hairs a little with Mariner, Covey, Nacua, and Simpkins. They’re all right there but Thompson on paper is one of the more talented receivers we’ve landed at the U. 6’2”/210…plenty physical,…[Read more]
Utah started the topic In the same vein, Utah should go 11-1 in 2019. in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
We should be amazing next year with an easy as can be schedule.
Utah replied to the topic BYU’s 2020 schedule. 0-11? in the forum They So Poo Poo 6 years, 6 months ago
Like my last paragraph says, they aren’t beating Utah. Tuttle will be in his third year in the program. We will destroy them. I was being very, very, very generous to BYU. If they lose to Utah, I don’t know if there is a win to be found.
Lets say they lose to Utah and Michigan St. I don’t care who they play in game 3, that’s a guaranteed loss. T…[Read more]
Utah started the topic BYU’s 2020 schedule. 0-11? in the forum They So Poo Poo 6 years, 6 months ago
Holy crap. Utah then Michigan St? They won’t have anyone healthy after those two games. They better hope they beat Utah.
Then ASU and Minnesota? That’s 1-3, assuming WILDLY that they beat Utah.
USU is winnable, right? Not after those first four games. BYU isn’t deep enoug…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic Please let not us turn this really good site into Utefans. in the forum Misc 6 years, 6 months ago
What “extreme” views have been talked about on here lately?
And you bring up bullying. I posted some facts about the LDS Church that has led to many new threads trying to discredit me and quiet me.
So, who is doing the bullying?
Utah replied to the topic Please let not us turn this really good site into Utefans. in the forum Misc 6 years, 6 months ago
Utah replied to the topic DSA Roundtable: Pac-12 North and South favorites in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
It is what it is. And it’s not people being mean to Mormons. It’s the other way around. From the start and Joseph Smith’s multiple wives including marrying other men’s wifes. Then Joseph Smith builds an army and Sidney Rigdon says Mormons will exterminate all gentiles in Missouri which leads to Boggs running them out of the state. Then rumors…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic DSA Roundtable: Pac-12 North and South favorites in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Here is the link of Monson praising Hill and Young and then the second segment is about why people think Mormons are so weird and how it has hurt Utah and the Jazz and Gobert’s thoughts on that in an interview with Zach Lowe. I think Gobert said the perception of Utah is that it is a shitty city. Interestingly enough, two very relevant…[Read more]
Utah replied to the topic Great article with insight into the level of behind the scenes legwork in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Yup. The loyalties are with the temple oaths and not their political oaths. It’s pathetic. Not weird at all. Those people threatened to take away funding to the hospital if we didn’t play BYU.
They literally decided that the lives of Utahns weren’t as important as playing BYU. It’s a joke.
Onlyu replied to the topic I was asked to rank Utah's assistant coaches in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Morgan doesn’t take the BYU job…Just not in him to do so. You won’t find a guy besides a few here that is more of a Utah guy than he is. UTE!!
He’ll have other options if he chooses but comes from a great successful family and has carved out a very good living on his own coaching. The lure of the money is probably secondary to a head job so…[Read more]
Onlyu replied to the topic Moar Utah Football Talk in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Utah is right. Bryan made a big jump before tearing his pectoral muscle in winter weights. He still had issues with full extension in the spring after surgery but will be 100% for camp.
1 – Thompson
2 – Boyd (has the talent to be on the 1 line…has to stop pouting and compete/Simpkins
3 – Mariner (Wilson – Senior year…could be a…[Read more]
Utah started the topic I was asked to rank Utah's assistant coaches in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
There are two ways to go about doing this; first would be to rank them by skill/level of competence. IE, In a vacuum, which coach is more experienced/wanted. For example, in this way, Scalley is a better coach than Shah. OR, you can rank them by importance to the University of Utah. In this case, Shah is much more important than Scalley. As much…[Read more]
ladyinred replied to the topic The BYU fanbase is falling apart. Are Ute fans ready to pick up the pieces? in the forum They So Poo Poo 6 years, 6 months ago
as a side note, i love that 69 behind the dumpster with tony is a known thing. i’ll see you there too!
byu fans i know of think UofU campus/Res is full of heathens and drunken debauchery. they are not all totally wrong. i don’t think an in-migration of byu fans is realistic. there is too big of a growing culture gap between slc and utah county.…[Read more] -
Utah replied to the topic Must-read on PacMas in the forum Football 6 years, 6 months ago
Utah replied to the topic The BYU fanbase is falling apart. Are Ute fans ready to pick up the pieces? in the forum They So Poo Poo 6 years, 6 months ago
This is incredibly ironic. You are a true and faithful servant, blind to the irony of your post. Did you come up with that yourself, or did Russ send out approved meme’s for church use.
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