Johnny80 replied to the topic when the raiders move to vegas, will they become our regional team replacing the in the forum NFL 5 years, 4 months ago
Just letting you know we have had our shots…. and immunizations. -
Johnny80 replied to the topic when the raiders move to vegas, will they become our regional team replacing the in the forum NFL 5 years, 4 months ago
Never speak ill of the NEZ! Don’t hate because you can’t hang! You talk about people not “getting up” for games and then make this comment. Not cool! Lol.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Feeling conflicted – do we want TDS to win out to have a respectable OOC?! in the forum They So Poo Poo 5 years, 4 months ago
No. Never. Today, tomorrow, and forever. They so poo poo.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Fox 13 News Coming To Headquarters in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
When will the segment air?
Johnny80 replied to the topic I've never been more wet in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
“If you weren’t wet were you really there”?
Johnny80 replied to the topic Game day traditions/superstition in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
I only wash my jersey after a loss. And I have special game day underwear (not The kind that most Utahans are thinking of ha ha).
Johnny80 replied to the topic Red utes logo ponchos? in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
I don’t think Costco has the thick ones anymore. That was about 4 or 5 years ago when they sold them. Haven’t seen them since.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Where to get Utes tailgate tent in SLC? in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Check sportsman warehouse. I think that where my dad picked up his.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Crazy Lady in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Oh we did. It was called stomping your feet on the wood bleachers when third down came around. We also did it on fourth down. It was a crazy idea but nobody- even Fassel claimed said rights. McBride came in and just humbly let it happen also. Maybe we call it “3rd and fassel jump”
Johnny80 replied to the topic Crazy Lady in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Why does she have an RV with her face on it then??? #sohumble#forthekids#espnlovesme
Johnny80 replied to the topic Crazy Lady in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
I guess you are right. Tradition should stop and start at the student level. All others should be thrown away or recycled (as per millennial wishes). The athletics are for them and NEVER the donors or other people who help make that happen.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Crazy Lady in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
Doubt it. Bubbles was also humble about it, and it started organically.
Johnny80 replied to the topic This gave me a laugh in the forum They So Poo Poo 5 years, 6 months ago
Best thing I’ve read today. 🤣😂I know it’s poor form to laugh at someone’s addiction or personal problems, but do you really think tds would ever for a second let a Ute player off the hook for that? The self-righteousness and arrogance of their fan base foam at the mouth for things like that.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Stanford v Northwestern being played in front of a few hundred fans…. in the forum Pac-12 5 years, 6 months ago
All very good points. I’m just relaying what I was told. And saying if I had the choice I would choose Stanford over the 49ers not only because I believe the quality of the product is better, but also because I enjoy college football more than pro.
I don’t understand how anyone can afford to live in the Bay Area. Ludicrous housing prices.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Stanford v Northwestern being played in front of a few hundred fans…. in the forum Pac-12 5 years, 6 months ago
Was at the Utes/Cardinal game last year. When I asked a few of the locals (politely) why their stadium was so empty they said the Bay Area is more of a 49er town. Can’t understand why. I think Stanford consistently puts a better product on the field, has a beautiful tailgate atmosphere, and cheaper tickets. It’s a bummer for the team.
Johnny80 replied to the topic So what is your favorite Utah/BYU game? in the forum Football 5 years, 7 months ago
1988. It was the first season I witnessed I person. I remember losing my voice. It was so awesome going back to school Monday and finally being able to gloat about a win after years of hearing how awesome tds was.
Johnny80 replied to the topic The wait is almost over.. in the forum Football 5 years, 7 months ago
Wish I could go but I have plans that I can’t get out of. I wanted to try and get the opportunity to stand next to Bam and Moss.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Choo chooooooooo in the forum Football 5 years, 9 months ago
I have to admit I’m drinking the Kool-aid full force this year.
Johnny80 replied to the topic 75 days…. in the forum Football 5 years, 9 months ago
@whitlessham I bet you smell bad. That is all.
Johnny80 replied to the topic 75 days…. in the forum Football 5 years, 9 months ago
BGU- totally get it. I have farmers market and fresh, amazing vegetables to eat. As for family, we just talk about the upcoming football season. Vegetables = best part of summer. Other than that the sun is up too much and it’s too damn hot. Good god, just realized I’m writing about veggies on Ute Hub. 🤦♂️F:,k, I want the season to start. Arr…
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