Johnny80 replied to the topic Once again, Utah is invisible to USA Today. in the forum Football 5 years, 9 months ago
I can understand not the top ten because of the injury, but to not be named on the “almost list” or whatever sucks. I just chalk it up to people on the east coast only know 3 western teams….. and we are not among them.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Best game traditions for all top 25 teams via ESPN. Take a guess. in the forum Football 5 years, 9 months ago
It kinda bugs me that Terri gets so much credit for her dance when anyone that attended home games before the late ‘90’s knows that s—t belongs to Bubbles.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Utah Alumni night at the Rockies last night brought back some great memories. in the forum Basketball (Men) 5 years, 10 months ago
Josh Grant was my childhood hero. So of my favorite memories are going to JMHC with my dad and watching him, Jimmy Soto, Walter Watts, and Paul Afiaki. Remember him dunking over Bradley? Magic. Love those days of Ute BB.
Johnny80 replied to the topic 5 things to know about Utah Football in the forum Football 5 years, 10 months ago
I like some of the insights. I will admit that I’m drinking all the kool-aid and believe that we are much better than the 8 wins that the author predicted. Really love the “whatever “ comment when it came to the OOC games.
Johnny80 replied to the topic 97.5 talking about Urban to USC with an Associated Press member in the forum Football 5 years, 10 months ago
While I completely love what Urban did for our program I believe he just needs to go away.
Johnny80 replied to the topic MyKala leaving Utah to pursue 2020 Oylmpics. in the forum Other Ute Sports 5 years, 11 months ago
I wonder if it has to do with the fact that she gets no love from the judges despite being one of, if not the best athlete in her sport. I’ve stated a million times that she is able to do things no other gymnast at the college level can do. She is definitely a fan favorite and I believe it’s impossible to psych her out. Best of luck to an amazing athlete.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Notre Dame de Paris is on fire. The roof has collapsed. in the forum Misc 5 years, 11 months ago
My heart hurts. That place is beautiful. Have more that a few wonderful memories there.
Johnny80 replied to the topic I have been following this story in the forum They So Poo Poo 6 years, 1 month ago
I thought federal heights fell into that as well.
Johnny80 replied to the topic I have been following this story in the forum They So Poo Poo 6 years, 1 month ago
Tell that to notre dame. They have their own zip code and airport if I remember correctly.
Edit: I agree with your thoughts on the matter . -
Johnny80 replied to the topic Hub Stats – Feb 2018 to Jan 2019 – 1.3 million visitors in the forum Ute Hub Site 6 years, 1 month ago
Thanks Tony! You have done an amazing job creating and expanding the content of this site. My favorite time of year to log on are the months August-December. It really feels like there is a new post about every half hour those months. Great distraction from my job! Keep it up sir!
Johnny80 replied to the topic Super Bowl Discussion in the forum NFL 6 years, 1 month ago
I support this message. These are the questions we should be asking.
Johnny80 replied to the topic GO UTES! in the forum Basketball (Women) 6 years, 1 month ago
^^^ winner^^^
Johnny80 replied to the topic Utah Gymnastics schedule and roster added to Ute Hub app and website in the forum Other Ute Sports 6 years, 2 months ago
Awesome! Thanks Tony.
Johnny80 replied to the topic So I guess this happened… in the forum They So Poo Poo 6 years, 2 months ago
I do agree with the statement that says Utah and particularly Provo is a whole other world.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Utah v BYU continues through 2024 in the forum Football 6 years, 2 months ago
Johnny80 replied to the topic Silver Lining in the forum Football 6 years, 3 months ago
I would have to believe that Harlan has to have a decent amount of say in the matter, especially seeing that this is the first major thing to come his way. If I were him I would absolutely be stating my opinion on the matter.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Taylor in the forum Football 6 years, 3 months ago
I liked the guy. I don’t know any of the inner workings of the team but I thought he was a good fit and was starting to find his place. This makes no sense to me though. Total step backwards in my opinion. Like leaving the Sous Chef job at La Caille to manage a Cafe Rio.
Johnny80 replied to the topic Stanford schedule in the forum Pac-12 6 years, 3 months ago
Johnny80 replied to the topic Stanford schedule in the forum Pac-12 6 years, 3 months ago
I get a fair amount of what you are saying but I would like to play a better more meaningful ooc schedule. Play teams in places where we try and recruit heavily . Drop byu for Houston. Play John Adams or N D State instead of Idaho state. Our current ooc schedule does us no favors. To be the best you have to beat the best.
Johnny80 started the topic Stanford schedule in the forum Pac-12 6 years, 3 months ago
Anybody see Stanford schedule next season? OOC games are Notre Dame, UCF, and Northwestern. I would much rather see something closer to that than playing an in state “rival” or some crappy division 2 school. I believe we need to schedule something where we recruit out of like Texas (Houston, SMU,A&M, Texas,Texas Tech, or UCF,USF , Florida St.…[Read more]
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