Dwight89 started the topic Best and Easiest Way to ensure NIL does not ruin CFB in the forum Football 2 years, 9 months ago
Adjust the transfer rules back to how they used to be (must sit out a year), but, create an exception for if your head coach leaves.
Where the NIL will 100% destroy CFB is if 3* athletes that sign at small schools get developed into stars and then transfer to the big programs for big checks. Parity is already a huge problem in CFB. What i just…[Read more] -
Dwight89 started the topic I think what I’m most mad about in the forum Football 3 years, 6 months ago
Is how hyped everyone close to the program made this team out to be.
whitt, OnlyU (no offense, love your insights), the media, the players, etc.
literally everyone close to the program was hyping this team up to 2019 levels. And they were all just dead wrong.
This is a bad team, guys. O-line is among the worst in the nation statistically.…[Read more] -
Dwight89 started the topic Streaming options for cbssportsnetwork? in the forum Football 3 years, 6 months ago
Anyone know best way to stream cbssportsnetwork? Xfinity is stupid and makes you commit to a 2 year upgrade now. Used to be able to just add the sports package on a month to month basis but they’ve taken that away. What streaming services offer cbs sports network?
Dwight89 started the topic Season tickets baby in the forum Football 3 years, 7 months ago
Finally got my chance in line to buy tickets last year during Covid when tons of people opted not to renew. I paid, deferred, waited, and now, they are here (digitially, 🙁 lame).
Sucks to suck to whoever wasn’t patient enough to wait it out, but now they are mine. I’m so freaking stoked. Go Utes! -
Dwight89 started the topic Challenges with the NIL and future recruiting in the forum Football 3 years, 8 months ago
Did y’all see the quote from Nick Saban where his QB (that HASN’T PLAYED A DOWN) has already hauled in $1MM in NIL money? Here’s an article if not:
I don’t see how this doesn’t hurt recruiting at Utah in the future. We just aren’t in a market that…[Read more] -
Dwight89 started the topic Fall Camp Start Date? in the forum Football 3 years, 8 months ago
Anyone know when Fall Camp starts?
Dwight89 started the topic College Football Expansion Discussion in the forum Football 3 years, 9 months ago
Okay, folks, let’s talk CFP expansion. I think, we can mostly agree, that the four team model is less than ideal. It’s marginally better than the old BCS model, but that’s like saying I’d rather pick up my lab’s crap than my great dane’s.
So, where to go? With the news today, it certainly seems like 10 or 12 is the direction we might be heading,…[Read more] -
Dwight89 started the topic Coach Whit Snips in the forum Football 3 years, 11 months ago
Now that Whitt has locked down Spring practices to the media he’s become the ultimate thirst trap for me. Anytime I see a snip of his from media availability it’s like….gah…..
Fall can’t come soon enough. -
Dwight89 started the topic Finally, basketball season is over. Can we talk some football now? in the forum Football 4 years ago
I’m sorry but until Larry is gone I have ZERO interest in Ute basketball. The dude is a tool and Utah will languish in .500 b-ball til he’s gone.
So…moving on… Spring ball! What do we hope to see learn from Spring ball? Personally for me its the following:
1) QB depth chart – who is making moves?
2) Receiving corps – do any of the…[
Dwight89 started the topic Thoughts on Covid-19 spread with the football team. in the forum Football 4 years, 3 months ago
Utah was hit hard with Covid throughout November, with even a player being hospitalized. What, if any, responsibility do you all place on the players/coaches for allowing the spread to get so bad? It basically ruined their season.
What got me thinking about it is that I’m in an essential business and I help oversee operations of over 120…[Read more] -
Dwight89 started the topic Half of you are partially to blame for this in the forum Football 4 years, 4 months ago
It’s a damn shame this virus has been politicized the way it has. If we had all taken this seriously Utah would be playing tomorrow. Downvote me all you want. It’s the truth.
Dwight89 started the topic Matt Gay Released from Buccaneers in the forum NFL 4 years, 6 months ago
Any word on why Gay was released from Buccaneers? Did he have a bad 2019 or something? For some reason it’s in my head he had the job locked down.
Dwight89 started the topic Pac-12 is dumb dumb dumb in the forum Football 4 years, 7 months ago
I’ve been off the grid for a week, so imagine my sadness coming home to the news that the Pac-12 shot itself in the foot and cancelled the season. Perusing the board I haven’t seen this mentioned so I thought I would bring it up now.
The Pac 12 was in no position to be an “innovator” or an “early adopter” with regards to football cancellation.…[Read more] -
Dwight89 started the topic New NCAA rules on players profiting off likeness in the forum Football 4 years, 11 months ago
It’s looking like starting in 2021 CFB players can profit off their likeness. What are everyone’s thoughts on how this will impact Utah recruiting in the future?
For me, i think it will create an even larger “the rich get richer” scenario than what already exists. Teams with larger fan bases in bigger markets will have access to more…[Read more] -
Dwight89 started the topic 2020 Outlook – The good, the bad, and the unknown in the forum Football 5 years, 1 month ago
2020 will be an interesting year, for sure. I think there is a lot to like about 2020 along with a lot of pretty big red flags. As objectively as possible I’m going to try and point out the most important factors for 2020:
The Good
1. We’ve got a great stable of running backs, even without DHC. I don’t think we will have as much production as…[Read more] -
Dwight89 started the topic Offensive Line in the forum Football 5 years, 2 months ago
My three takeaways:
In the three games we lost our offensive line got utterly exposed. In my mind that’s the main reason why we lost, especially against Oregon and Texas.
Additionally, I don’t think the defense had as much mental toughness as teams of years past. Meaning they wilted and got disheartened at the offensive ineptitude and couldn’t…[Read more] -
Dwight89 started the topic Ohio State – no thanks in the forum Football 5 years, 3 months ago
I’m sorry guys but I wouldn’t look forward to a matchup against Ohio State. I think they would beat us handily. They are just on a whole different level. I think we would have a chance against anyone but them.
Dwight89 started the topic Which is better, winning the Rose Bowl or getting blown out in a playoff game? in the forum Football 5 years, 4 months ago
Let’s say these are the two realities in front of us, which would we prefer? I think I would rather win a Rose Bowl and dream about the what if’s than go and get curb stomped by LSU and have to listen to “see? Pac 12 just isn’t on the same level as the SEC” for the next 9 months.
Now, whether those are the two realities or not, no clue. But,…[Read more] -
Dwight89 started the topic Need to run the table in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
Looks like most statistical models have USC winning every game except Oregon, which means even if we go 10-2 USC will likely win the South. We’ve got to get over the hump with Washington and walk away with a W.
Dwight89 started the topic My Plan to Fix CFB Parity in the forum Football 5 years, 6 months ago
CFB parity is one of my greatest frustrations with CFB. I have a plan to fix it. A CFB Draft, folks. Here’s the rough sketch of how it would work:
A month before the draft recruits have to submit a top ten list of schools they are willing to play for. Teams can only draft players that put them in their top ten. All 130 FBS teams are in the draft.…[Read more] - Load More