Utah @  Oklahoma State


  • Wrote up a huge breakdown of how the last decade of playoffs would have broken down with the currently discussed 3-3-2-2-1 model (3 autobids each for SEC and B1G, 2 each for ACC and Big 12, 1 for G5 and then 3 at-large).

    Bottom line it’s very good for the Big 12 and benefits the Big 12 more than just about any other. Lots of info -…[Read more]

  • Unfortunately I don’t have data back further than 6 years. And I could give you the year by year data….but then you get into small sample sizes and things get noisy, depending more on specific matchups. Which is why I like to use a rolling 5 year average.

    And as to Nebraska, they get attention and discussion by random non-Nebraska fans.…[Read more]

  • I don’t think a single one of those programs is complaining about what he did there. He built Stanford up…and then they spent about a decade still contending under the guy who followed him. Built the 49ers up, and then left but they’re still doing well. Got Michigan a national championship.

    Yeah, he left all of them, but how many Chargers fans…[Read more]

  • With the exception of last season (massive injuries and Rising unexpectedly out all year), preseason predictions seem to be pretty accurate for Utah. Here’s every year Utah was preseason ranked

    • 2023: Started 14, Ended Unranked (#32) – Difference of -18
    • 2022: Started 7, Finished 10 – Difference of -3
    • 2021: Started 24, Finished 10 – Difference…

    [Read more]

  • Yeah, I go back and forth on which I prefer. I generally like this arrangement more…but with the importance of finishing top 2 in your division I hate throwing Penn St, Ohio St, and Michigan all into the same division. Either one would work though

    And yeah, Utah would barely be in for either setup, but I based it on what teams have drawn the…[Read more]

  • Alternate division arrangements (less balance between divisions but more respect for history)

    FOX Conference
    West: Oregon, USC, Washington, Utah
    Central: Oklahoma, Nebraska, Oklahoma St, Colorado
    North: Notre Dame, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota
    East: Ohio St, Michigan, Penn St, Michigan St

    ESPN Conference
    West: Texas, LSU, Texas A&M, TCU
    Central:…[Read more]

  • Gets tons of money to networks ✅
    Keeps regionalism and fosters rivalries (especially in division) ✅
    Gives objective criteria for postseason participation ✅
    Emphasizes importance of regular season while keeping playoffs an end-of-season ratings bonanza ✅

  • This is really interesting. I hadn’t seen this, but I did spend yesterday (this morning for most of you) putting together a 32 team superleague based on the highest drawing brands.

    And it looks almost the exact same. Every team he listed is included, but a few others sneak in (Arkansas, Colorado, Minnesota, and South Carolina).

    Mine would be…[Read more]

  • I don’t work in media, but I do a fair amount of work in data analytics. I pull the data from sportsmediawatch, and have every game from the last 6 years in a nice spreadsheet to organize it different ways.

    As to the Utah brand, I think it’s definitely grown, but if you’re expecting it to just come up in random conversations, it’s certainly not…[Read more]

  • If you go simply by average in rated games, then yes, Army and Navy show up (though Navy is normally based on two games – Army and Notre Dame).

    Which is why I don’t like those metrics. I use Viewership Score which is the last thing I have listed there and which I’ve developed specifically to account for those issues.

    Ignoring unrated games or…[Read more]

  • So I made adjustments for everyone to keep them on equal footing. Here’s an easy hypothetical example of what I’m talking about.

    Imagine in a particular season Utah were to draw 2M against USC, Washington and Oregon, and 1M each in the other 7 games on rated channels (with the FCS game and the game vs Arizona on unrated PAC12 Network). That’s…[Read more]

  • Over the last 5 years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), theres a few different ways to rank teams, here’s where Utah finishes in each (among P5 and selected high-profile G5 teams who have been tangentially mentioned in expansion talks)

    All Games (including CCG, bowls etc)

    • Counting unrated games as zero viewership: Utah is #20 with 1.871M…

    [Read more]

  • The Colorado game wasn’t actually Nielsen rated, so there was zero benefit from that.

    There are some issues with this ranking of teams though. The big question is what to do with games that aren’t Nielsen rated.

    Some (like this one) use just the average of Nielsen-rated games. Which is terrible because then you end up with a school like…[Read more]

  • Capitalism is still the worst economic system that happens to be better than all of the others. I think Churchill said that.

    Not a knock on capitalism, but the quote you’re thinking of that’s attributed to Churchill was about democracy being the worst form of government that’s better than all the rest. Not about capitalism

  • Yup, from a betting perspective, it turns out that Vegas has a pretty good idea what they’re doing. There’s really not any value on the over. The under has a bit more value, just given the possibility of major injury/upheaval, but it’s really not a great bet either.

    Vegas did a solid job setting the O/U, it’s almost like they’re professionals at this

  • <p>Connelly just put out his SP+ ratings, rating Utah as the #17 FBS team with an SP-rating of 16.4.</p>
    <p>Opponents are as follows</p>
    <table style=”width: 100.075%;”>
    <td style=”width: 19.9583%;”>Opponent</td>
    <td style=”width: 19.1206%;”>SP+ Rank / Rating</td>
    <td style=”width: 60.9023%;”>SP+ Win Probability</td>
    <td…[Read more]

  • Yeah, there were a bunch of really strong safeties so I tried to list them elsewhere if possible. In particular, cornerback wasn’t stellar which is why Blackmon was a clear choice for that CB/S /nickel role on the first team.

    Pulling Blackmon away from there would mean putting another CB on there. I already cheated a bit by putting Vaki in…[Read more]

  • Most teams use at least two RB in rotation, which is why. Honestly, if we were just listing 1 RB it would also hurt since we’d then be leaving off Tavion, Joe Williams, Ty Jordan and JaQuinden.

    You’ve made good points and I’ve made some updates. Dimick should be there – he was overlooked since he didn’t go to the NFL, but that’s irrelevant here.…[Read more]

  • Fair – I agree with you. That was sentimentality getting the better of me

  • Lowell Lotulelei was a miss, absolutely. I’ve added him in.

    Blechen I didn’t realize went through 2014, thought he was further back and not eligible. Still though, I have 3 safeties there so I want more coverage if possible.

    Norris I came very close on. I reordered him onto the 2nd team about 5 times and wouldn’t argue at all with him on there.…[Read more]

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