MantisToboggan replied to the topic Two Utes vs Chiefs in the forum Football 2 months ago
MantisToboggan replied to the topic Two Utes vs Chiefs in the forum Football 2 months ago
Yeah, Allen shouldn’t have hit him in the hands like that.
MantisToboggan replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 5 months ago
You have won! I forfeit.
MantisToboggan replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 5 months ago
Clearly, I feel burned by your cutting insight.
And damn you for your brilliant baiting—getting me to out myself!
I feel so stupid!
Must be because I don’t know what it’s like to be a metropolitan Floridian, who dines on fine food, owns many leather books on mahogany shelves.
MantisToboggan replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 5 months ago
1) I’m grateful that I made you laugh. Bringing joy to people in football poverty is a #blessing
2) We’re so immature, I get it. Oftentimes we result to religious bigotry because we have literally nothing else to cling to. p.s. I’m not mormon, but if you’d like to make allusions to me being offended by the “temple square” stuff, go for…[Read more]
MantisToboggan replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 5 months ago
Okay, I guess that makes sense…
Yeah, what you’re saying 100% is simultaneously a burn and a great point!
MantisToboggan replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 5 months ago
Come on, just a little friendly back and forth that we’ve been able to enjoy over on CB with all of your fans.
But you have to admit, it is a little funny that you said you could “spot” BYU humor a mile away, and then whiff several times.
Best of luck to you, guys! I hope you guys win 2 of your next 3 games!
MantisToboggan replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 5 months ago
That was super mean.
Welp, back to “panhandling”…I guess?
MantisToboggan replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 5 months ago
I’ve literally never heard of that word?
Had to look it up…
Irony; Noun: : the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning
Example: “We’re going to run the BIG12”
MantisToboggan replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 5 months ago
Sure, if your move is to dodge your comment that I “proved” you right when the ESPN article clowning on Harlan and Utah is an East Coast writer.
But by all means, go ahead and tell me about the sophisticated humor of Utah fans…
MantisToboggan replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 5 months ago
This is an actual literal ESPN link.
You guys live in such a bubble that you don’t realize everyone hates you, including your moms.
MantisToboggan replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 5 months ago
Literal lol, but not in the way you’re thinking
You crammed as many multisyllabic words in there to show your ‘sophistication’ only to essentially steal the quote from Mike Tyson “Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”
Also, to the homie who is grateful he grew up as a…[Read more]
MantisToboggan replied to the topic They call me TCuz, I come in peace in the forum Football 5 months ago
“Also Angry: Pittsburgh Panthers (7-2, unranked), Duke Blue Devils (7-3, unranked), Georgia Bulldogs (7-2, No. 12), Utah Utes AD Mark Harlan (the Utes would be ranked if Big 12 Commissioner Brett Yormark hadn’t rigged the system!) and UConn Huskies (7-3, unranked and thus prohibiting us from Jim Mora Jr. giving a “You wanna talk about playoffs?!?” rant).”
MantisToboggan's profile was updated 4 years ago
MantisToboggan started the topic BYU fan here. I'm sick to my stomach about the news this morning. in the forum Football 4 years ago
If anyone gets word about a gofundme or anything please let me know so it can be shared.
Football, rivalries and smack talk are all fun parts of life but meaningless when a tragedy like this happens.
Big hug to Lowe’s family, friends, and the Utah Football family. I can’t believe you guys have to go through this again.
MantisToboggan became a registered member 4 years ago