Tony (admin) replied to the topic Site improvements today in the forum Comments and Suggestions 9 years, 3 months ago
@maximumkungfu that’s a new one. I’m using chrome too and have not seen an issue like that. What is your device? PC, Mac, Mobile?
If you can, clear your browser cache/history and all that and see what happens.
SackLakeCity replied to the topic Offensive scheme as viewed through history and fit in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
@maximumkungfu I agree with you on your last point, I would double down on what Utah does well and create an offensive identify that works with what Utah can get and the demographics. One point that I heard today on Gunther is how the receivers don’t block and can’t get open. I wonder if with a different scheme that works better with who Utah…[Read more]
Tony (admin) replied to the topic Over the hump & Consistency in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
FYI @sacklakecity you can see TWO names under each user’s avatar. Just like twitter, we can have a regular screenname which is different than our username (the one with the hashtag). So if you look at Gad Valley Ute, his actual hashtag is @maximumkungfu. If you take one right, it will be in RED, just like the Utes.
SackLakeCity replied to the topic Over the hump & Consistency in the forum Football 9 years, 3 months ago
I think the same thing @maximumkungfu I think most years will be 6 wins – 8 wins when the stars align with senior leadership on the offensive and defensive end of things 10+ wins is possible for a special season and should hopefully happen every 4-5 years.