West Virginia @  Utah


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    • #16030

      Pre vs post Tim Patrick injury. Dude could catch the ball.

    • #14667

      Present and accounted for. Just learning about the beat down in Seattle last night

    • #14474

      I agree it’s gonna take us beating someone in November to prevent a shot at a championship and we win instead to create true rivalries. It will come with time. It’s inevitable.
      As for BYU – It really sank in a few weeks ago how far that game has fallen for me. As the win I didn’t feel joy, I did enjoy knowing I wouldn’t have to hear about it, but I didn’t feel any pride, or even relief. Every P12 game on the otherhand is much more exciting and meaningful. Seriously ANY & EVERY P12 victory >>> TDS victory. Also any other P5 victory >>>> Than  any TDS victory.
      The real reason I want the rivalry to end is that it prevents us from playing other P5 schools OOC. Until we stop scheduling them or the “rivalry” become so lopsided our AD sees it as a “B” game, or he decides that we’ll schedule 2 “P5” opponents and leave the money of a 7th home game on the table our OOC schedule will suck, and I hate that.

    • #14374

      It was infuriating. More importantly the fact we didn’t start to blow it up when we knew it was coming.
      I expect Kyle will do talk to refs in pre-game. I also expect the DBs to know it’s gonna come, and I will be very disappointed in our coaching staff and players if we don’t blow it up regardless of officiating. Take an attempted pick play back for 6 and they’ll stop doing it.

    • #14370

      I agree. I think we come in and do what everyone knows we’re gonna do and blow teams off the line until stack the box and then let Troy start lighting people up. It makes sense with our personnel, and this week it make sense to maximize time of possession against an offense like Cal.
      It’s obvious and Cal will be expecting it, but Football ain’t rocket science and if you’re a smash mouth team you gotta impose your will. If you can’t you’re not who you think you are/ want to be.

    • #16081

      Exactly – while I could understand an argument that the zig-zag mountains has some non-specific native American thing going as well as evokes local geography the cartoon mountains, but even if that is the goal these things are just not attractive or cool.
      We don’t have crazy cool/unique/ugly Maryland/Oregon uniforms, and we don’t have cool/classic PSU, Michigan, Nebraska, Alabama uniforms: we are in between and therefore nowhere. 
      Not impressed.
      Drum and Feather with crisp red and white would sell better. I can’t imagine anyone shelling out money for those shorts.

    • #15994

      Exactly – A few weeks ago I asked “is A-Rod for real?” some of the play call limitations may have to do with injuries, but that goal line fail against Cal screamed poor coaching and bad play calling. 

    • #14522

      That’s a great idea. It would take a lot to buy ND out of their ACC alliance. Isn’t it something like 60 million? That’s not astronomical, but between that and loss of their own private revenue I just don’t see ND changing without some seismic shifts in the landscape and their own budget.

      I like P12/B1G partnership idea. If UT comes to the table with 1 other school like maybe OU then I see that alliance commanding serious dollars. It seems natural to have a P12/B1G and SEC/ACC super conferences.
      An absolutely scary alliance would be B1G/SEC – while they don’t command the biggest TV markets they do have the most “loyal” followings. I’m not sure how well that would translate to TV revenue. I do know that when the Big Ten network launched while I was living in Columbus Time Warner tried to holdout against it a la Direct TV and the P12 and it lasted for about 24 hrs as they had mass customer exodus to deal with. So even though they don’t have the metro areas they actually have the pull to demand universal distribution.

    • #14405

      So you think he’s for real? He’s got a QB who can make reads and throws and appears to be learning quickly from mistakes without his confidence shaking, and so Roderick’s scheme and play calling will impress us?

      Not trying to be difficult just looking for clarification and conversation.

    • #14404

      Not only Tavaris, but Marcus is also confusing because he makes so many great plays. We’re in a heck of a situation vis-a-vis names.

      That would be great if Troy ended up doing so well that TW = Troy without need for clarification. Nobody wonders what you mean when you say BJ or Alex. If Troy could get there I bet we’d all be ecstatic.

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