M-dash replied to the topic Why I like Utah to win Saturday in the forum Football 5 years, 5 months ago
While I buy the argument of inexperienced o-lines and QBs for Cal and ASU, Washington State and Oregon State have highly effective passing attacks that we squelched. Not saying that Petersen won’t pull something effective out of the hat, but the fact that Leach couldn’t gives me some comfort.
M-dash replied to the topic NFL: Pass Interference Reviewable in the forum NFL 6 years ago
M-dash replied to the topic What is the goal of Utah men's basketball? in the forum Basketball (Men) 6 years ago
It’s not so much that Larry K has underperformed on the whole with the talent he has season-by-season. Nor do I have too much gripe with his ability to recruit good talent. Rather, his failure to retain good talent or even solid role players from one season to the next. As a result, he always has the youth and inexperience card to play, and h…[Read more]
M-dash replied to the topic Cody Barton made himself some money. in the forum Football 6 years ago
Any news on Hansen, Blair, or other Utes at the combine?
M-dash replied to the topic UteHub running super slow for anyone else? in the forum Ute Hub Site 6 years, 2 months ago
Yes. @administrator it’s super slow this morning for some reason.
M-dash became a registered member 8 years, 1 month ago