Draper replied to the topic Reffing aside, terrible decision to use the TOs at the end in the forum Football 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Why the time outs????
Draper replied to the topic Reffing aside, terrible decision to use the TOs at the end in the forum Football 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Please explain to me what is to be gained with the times????!!!!
Draper's profile was updated 5 months ago
Draper replied to the topic Scalley vs Whitt in the forum Football 5 months ago
Whit will give it another year with Risen and both will go out together
Draper started the topic Utah at Houston in the forum Football 5 months ago
If there is anything positive to take from Saturday’s games it is hopefully we have seen the last of Wilson for a long long time. I can’t believe that Utah did not have a better quarterback as a backup than Wilson.
Plus why did Whittingham continue to call times outs at the end of the game giving Houston more time to move closer the goal. Had he…[Read more]
Draper became a registered member 5 months ago